

Vision based diameter estimation for continuous float-zone silicon crystal growth production

Dimensional,Measurement,Metrology,Single crystal

In-mould measurement with optical coherence tomography for compensating positioning error in injection overmoulding of optoelectronic devices


Progress of the European Metrology Network for Advanced Manufacturing


investigation of a thermistor temperature measurement system with sub millikelvin resolution

Measuring instrument,Sensor,Temperature

Weighing Performances of a novel EMFC weighing cell with axis- symmetric structure

Force,Measuring instrument,Mechatronic,Metrology

A system calibration method for an embedded fringe projection system in a commercial electron beam powder bed fusion additive manufacturing machine (EBAM)

Calibration,Electron beam machining (EBM),In-process measurement,Metrology

Automated defect detection of CT projection image data using Monte Carlo simulation


A New Spin on Kibble: A Self-Calibrating Torque Realization Device at NIST

Measuring instrument,Mechanical,Metrology,Precision

The design and development of the second generation tabletop Kibble balance at NIST

Accuracy,Measuring instrument,Mechanical,Metrology

Development of a high precision balance for measuring quantity of dispensed fluid as a new calibration standard for the becquerel


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