Project Description
19th International Conference & Exhibition
3rd – 7th June 2019, Bilbao, Spain
Monday 3rd to Friday 7th June 2019 at Euskalduna, Bilbao, Spain
euspen’s international conference and exhibition provides a leading forum for industrialists and academics alike to review the best of world-wide industrial innovation, progressive research and technology developments. Delegates will gain an insight into the precision engineering and nanotechnology priorities of Europe’s leading industrial nation.
This event offers the possibility to see latest advances in traditional precision engineering fields such as metrology, ultra precision machining, additive and replication processes, precision mechatronic systems & control and precision cutting processes. Furthermore, topics will be addressed covering robotics and automation, Industry 4.0 for precision manufacturing, Precision design in large scale applications and applications of precision engineering in biomedical sciences.
The organising commitee and local hosts for euspen‘s 19th International Conference and Exhibition is Dr Harald Bosse, PTB, DE; Prof Hans N. Hansen, Technical University of Denmark, DK; Prof. Enrico Savio, University of Padova, IT; Prof. José Yagüe-Fabra, University of Zaragoza, ES; Dr Harkaitz Urreta, IK4-Ideko, ES and Dr Aitor Olarra from IK4-Tekniker, ES
Themes and Call for Abstracts:
Announcement & Call for Abstracts
Come and join your international peers and maintain a leading edge on technology, customers, partners and suppliers. Access the greatest minds in micro and nano research and development. Share knowledge and information and stimulate debates.
• Measuring Instruments and Machine Tools: Design and Performance
• Mechatronics and Control
• Metrology
• Advances in Precision Engineering and Nanotechnologies
• Mechanical Manufacturing Processes
• Non-Mechanical Manufacturing Processes
• Replication and Additive Manufacturing
• Applications of Precision Engineering in Biomedical Sciences
• Handling, Robotics and Automation
• Industry 4.0 for Precision Manufacturing
• Precision Design in Large Scale Applications
Submission of abstracts
Abstracts are expected to describe original work, previously unpublished and should indicate new and significant advances and their importance. Initially short abstracts comprising of approximately 300 words in length should be submitted online using the below links.
Following review of short abstracts, authors will be provided with instructions for submitting extended abstracts of up to four A4 pages. On acceptance of extended abstracts, authors are notified of presentation mode (poster/oral). All papers accepted into the conference proceedings are included in Elsevier’s citation index and will also be indexed on to euspen’s Knowledge Base which is indexed via Google Scholar. The final decision on acceptance of all papers is made by the Editor and International Scientific Committee of the conference.
The invitation to submit an abstract does not constitute an offer to pay travel, accommodation or registration costs associated with the conference. Similarly, no speaker fee is paid to successful participants. All speakers must register for the conference and transfer registration fee. In specific cases the organising committee reserves the right to deviate from the standard procedure.
“Oral and poster sessions revealing the latest research and state-of-the-art technology”
Key Dates:
12th September 2018 : Deadline for online short abstract submissions
11th January 2019 : Deadline for online extended abstract submissions
15th February 2019 : Deadline for Scholarship Applications
11th March 2019 : Notification of extended abstract award (oral/poster)
Conference Fees:
The conference delegate registration fee includes :-
- Free access to the welcome reception to be held on the Monday evening of 3rd June 2019
- A full electronic copy of the proceedings on a euspen USB drive
- Free access to the technical workshops held on Monday afternoon of 3rd June 2019
- Free refreshments through-out the conference
- Free three course Lunch on each of the conference days
- Student delegates have an opportunity to attend the student networking dinner Free of Charge on 4th June 2019
- Access to all of the keynote and technical presentations held through-out the conference
- Access to the euspen conference App which allows for easy networking with fellow delegates
- Access to the exhibitors drinks reception held on Tuesday 4th June 2019
Please note the fees displayed are Early Bird fees. These include an early registration discount of €50 and the discounted rate will expire on 5th April 2019.
- €745 euspen Members Early Bird
- €870 Non Members Early Bird
- €445 Student Members Early Bird
- €80 Evening Networking Dinner
- €175 Tutorials
- €0.00 Delegate Workshops
- €50 Company Tours
- €50 Printed Conference Proceedings
The Precision Engineering community is quite small and the euspen annual event is a great way to make and maintain contact with world-leading experts in the field, many of whom offer highly relevant tutorial sessions at the conferences. We at Cranfield Precision specialise in the design and manufacture of high precision machine systems, it would be unthinkable for us not to take advantage of the technical program, networking and educational opportunities on offer at euspen conferences. Since around 2011, we have been exhibitors at the annual conference exhibition, we have found this to be an excellent way of making contact with new and existing customers. We can trace the initial contact made with many of our current and past customers back to the euspen conference and exhibition, so the cost of attending and exhibiting has paid for itself many times over.
With over 400 attendees focused on precision engineering, exhibiting at the Annual Conference & exhibition organised by euspen is vital to getting our message to the right people. The ultimate benefit to attending is the people you meet. Networking with industry experts willing to discuss ideas and offer suggestions to those difficult projects waiting for you back home. These conversations lead to treasured relationships with talented precision engineers you can consult when difficult questions arise.
Conference Sponsors:
Conference Proceedings Sponsor
Renishaw will be sponsoring the conference proceedings for the 19th International Conference.
Lanyard Sponsor
Zeiss will be providing the conference lanyards for our international delegates for the duration of the event.
Student Networking Dinner
Student Networking Dinner will be held on the evening of Tuesday 4th June 2019. Come and network with your peers and listen to the latest industry career opportunities.
Student Scholarships
Scholarships supported by Heidenhain GmbH are available for students or researchers registered at a recognised International Higher Education Institution. Deadline date to receive applications is Friday 15th February 2019.
Welcome Reception Sponsors
Welcome reception will be held on the evening of Monday 3rd June 2019.
Conference Keynotes:
Prof. Norberto López de Lacalle
Professor at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and appointed director of CFAA in 2015
Aeroengines: Manufacturing and Machines
Aeroengines and turbines are a high-added value system, in which precision, quality and productivity is demanded to manufacturing processes, and difficult-to-cut materials, safety demands and other aspects are involved. Safety comes up first, and to achieve that precise machines, metrology in process, NDTs, and quality aspects are ingredients in the recipe of success. The only way to accelerate the evolution of processes in this industrial niche is cooperation between tier 1 aeroengine makers, and machine tool and technology provider, along with university. The Aeronautics Advanced Manufacturing Centre (CFAA) is a research facility for collaborative projects.
The speech will star with a global view of current engine evolution, to going on with a review of all technologies involved, including machining, EDM, additive manufacturing, welding, metrology and of course IoT initiatives. Contributors are all companies and experts working daily in CFAA projects, the centre for advanced manufacturing technologies for aeronautics.
Prof Norberto López de Lacalle is Professor at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and was appointed director of CFAA in 2015. He is a leading expert in machining and machine tools and has over 30 years of experience in researching. He is an Author of more than 130 JCR papers, and several books and patents. Lecturing is also an inspiring daily activity, in graduate and postgraduate levels. Students of the Professor have participated in several euspen challenges in the past.
The Basque Country is a fruitful location of advanced manufacturing companies, universities and technological center, being the professor a promoter of close collaborations, doctoral activities and technical events.
Prof. Han Haitjema
Professor at KU Leuven, BE
Error separation and noise effects in surface metrology in times of big data and AI
The talk will cover the following:
- Review of error separation for absolute flatness
- Gradient measurements – extension to small scale
- Averaging method for absolute flatness: method, limitations – possibilities for extension using big data and maybe AI
- Noise effects, measurement; limitation when ‘aligning’ a reference in contrast to a bit tilting
- Chromatic aberration in WLI: detection by a reversal method (new !); error separation for groove depth/flatness
- Traceability issues of ‘intelligent’ data evaluation, especially when combined with AI: risk of ‘Volkswagen’ software
- Outlook, possibilities for further work
Prof Han Haitjema studied physics in Utrecht and obtained his PhD in technical physics at the TU Delft. He then specialized in dimensional metrology at respectively the VSL in Delft as a researcher, at the TU Eindhoven in the precision engineering group of Prof. Schellekens as assistant professor “precision dimensional metrology”, at Mitutoyo Research Center Europe as director, and since 2018 as professor in “Dimensional and surface metrology of complex surfaces” at the KU Leuven. He is member of Euspen and Fellow of CIRP.
Prof. Dr Ir Egbert-Jan Sol
TNO/Radboud University, NL
Program Director Smart Industry, the national Dutch fourth Industrial Revolution initiative
Success in precision engineering is all about people and their ambitions
With a tradition of more than a century in “Machinenbau”’, Europe is still leading in equipment and instrumentation. Large scale measuring of nano particles for semiconductor EUV, mechatronics for the E-ELT telescope, and laser-based data communication with microsatellites are recent examples. Technology and in particular, new very powerful, digital tools evolves rapidly. No one, even large companies, can do everything by themselves. So today’s successes are also determined by regional innovation eco-systems. But building and shaping such eco-systems, also in precision engineering and nanotech, is a social skill and in the end it comes down to people and their ambitions.
Prof Dr Ir Egbert-Jan Sol (1956) is a board member of TNO Industry, program director of the Smart Industry program, the Dutch Industrie 4.0 platform, and 1d/w professor of Research Management at the science department of the Radboud University in Nijmegen.
Egbert-Jan Sol has a Master and Doctor degree in Mechanical Engineering (Kinematics and dynamics of multi-body systems, 1983) from the TU/e. He started his industrial career starting as robotics system architect, became project manager (Hoogovens), software development manager (Philips) and managing director of a 500 person R&D centre of Ericsson in the Netherlands (Rijen) before joining TNO in 2003. At TNO he was 11 years responsible for the Hightech Systems and Material unit. He is board member of EFFRA, the Factory of the Future. From 1990 till 1998 he was part time professor at Technology Management on Manufacturing Automation at the Eindhoven University of Technology.
“It is very easy to make a complex system, it is extremely hard to make it as simple as possible. In manufacturing only the most simple systems survive.”
“It is the first time in mankind no one will reach retirement with only initial school knowledge. Now we must make lifelong learning on digital skills for every one above 35 years a success”