Project Description
24th International Conference & Exhibition
10th – 14th June 2024, Dublin, Ireland
Monday 10th – Friday 14th June 2024
University College Dublin, Ireland
euspen’s international conference and exhibition provides a leading forum for industrialists and academics alike to review the best of world-wide industrial innovation, progressive research and technology developments. Delegates will gain an insight into the precision engineering and nanotechnology priorities of Europe’s leading industrial nation.
This event offers the possibility to see latest advances in traditional precision engineering fields such as metrology, ultra precision machining, additive and replication processes, precision mechatronic systems & control and precision cutting processes. Furthermore, topics will be addressed covering robotics and automation, precision design in large scale applications, applications of precision engineering in biomedical sciences, materials for energy storage, digital manufacturing and precision engineering.
The organising committee and local host for euspen‘s 24th International Conference and Exhibition is Prof. Denis Dowling, University College Dublin, IE and euspen HQ.
euspen acknowledges Fáilte Ireland and its official business tourism brand ‘Meet in Ireland’ for their support in our event.

Themes and Call for Abstracts
23rd International Conference submissions
Announcement & Call for Abstracts
Come and join your international peers and maintain a leading edge on technology, customers, partners and suppliers. Access the greatest minds in micro and nano research and development. Share knowledge and information and stimulate debates.
- Measuring Instruments and Machine Tools: Design and Performance
- Mechatronics, Control, Handling
- Metrology
- Advances in Precision Engineering and Nanotechnologies
- Mechanical Manufacturing Processes
- Non-Mechanical Manufacturing Processes
- Replication and Additive Manufacturing
- Applications of Precision Engineering in Biomedical Sciences/ Biotech Medical Devices
- Automation, Robotics, Machine Learning
- Large Scale Precision Engineering: Design, Metrology & Applications
- Materials for Energy Storage
- Digital Manufacturing
Submission of abstracts
Abstracts are expected to describe original work, previously unpublished and should indicate new and significant advances and their importance. Initially short abstracts comprising of approximately 300 words in length should be submitted online using the below links.
Following review of short abstracts, authors will be provided with instructions for submitting a paper of up to four A4 pages (2 or 4 pages). On acceptance of the paper, authors are notified of presentation mode (poster/oral). All papers accepted into the conference proceedings are included in Elsevier’s citation index and will also be indexed on to euspen’s Knowledge Base which is indexed via Google Scholar. The final decision on acceptance of all papers is made by the Editor and International Scientific Committee of the conference.
The invitation to submit an abstract does not constitute an offer to pay travel, accommodation or registration costs associated with the conference. Similarly, no speaker fee is paid to successful participants. All speakers must register for the conference and transfer registration fee. In specific cases the organising committee reserves the right to deviate from the standard procedure.
“Oral and poster sessions revealing the latest research and state-of-the-art technology”
Key Dates
18th September 2023 : Deadline for online short abstract submissions
2nd October 2023 : Notification of abstract acceptance to authors
12th January 2024 : Deadline for online paper submissions
29th February 2024 : Deadline for Scholarship Applications
15th March 2024 : Notification of paper award (oral/poster)
Conference Fees
The conference delegate registration fee includes :-
- Free access to the welcome reception to be held on the evening of Monday 10th June 2024
- A full electronic copy of the proceedings on a euspen USB drive
- Free refreshments through-out the conference
- Free three course lunch on each of the conference days
- Access to all of the keynote and technical presentations held through-out the conference
- Access to the exhibitors drinks reception held on Wednesday 12th June 2024
* Please note Early Bird fees include an early registration discount of €65 and the discounted rate will expire on 12th April 2024.
- €850 – euspen Member Rate – Early Bird*
- €950 – Non-Member Rate – Early Bird*
- €475 – Student Rate – Early Bird*
- €950 – euspen Member Rate – Standard Rate
- €1050 – Non Member Rate – Standard Rate
- €540 – Student Member Rate – Standard Rate
- €65 – Printed Conference Proceedings
- €0 – USB copy of Conference Proceeding (free for all delegates)
- €105 – Networking Dinner
- €365 – Exhibitor Delegate Registration (only for confirmed booths)
- €195 – Half day tutorial
- €TBC – Company Tours
- €25 – Monday Workshops
- €350 – One Day Access
- €600 – Two Day Access
Euspen events comply with international VAT/IVA/VAT MOSS rules and complies with the relevant Standard VAT rules dependent upon the Country hosting the event.
The euspen international conference and exhibition takes place in Dublin, Ireland and as such the relevant Standard Irish VAT of 23% will be applied to all delegate registration invoices.
Select Credit Card if you would like to pay by credit card :-
Select Invoice if you would like to pay by invoice :-
- A valid Purchase Order (PO) number is required to guarantee payment.
- An administration fee of €30 will be applied.
- All invoices must be settled prior to attendance of the event. If the invoice remains outstanding at the point of attendance, the delegate will be required to pay the invoice via credit card before admittance.
- Your completed form should be sent to and an invoice will be sent to you manually.

Conference Proceedings Sponsor
Renishaw plc will sponsor our conference proceedings; a collection of high quality technical and scientific papers.

Student Scholarships
Scholarships supported by Heidenhain GmbH are available for students or researchers registered at a recognised International Higher Education Institution.
Application Deadline: 29th February 2024

Lanyard Sponsor
Moore Nanotech will be providing the conference lanyards for our international delegates for the event.

Exhibitor Drinks
Professional Instruments Company will be sponsoring the exhibitor drinks which will be held on Wednesday 12th June.

Poster Awards
I-Form will be sponsoring the poster awards which will be awarded on Thursday 13th June.

Welcome Reception
Eitzenberger will be sponsoring the welcome reception which will be held on Monday 10th June.

Networking Dinner
SmalTec International will be sponsoring the networking dinner which will be held on Wednesday 12th June.
The Precision Engineering community is quite small and the euspen annual event is a great way to make and maintain contact with world-leading experts in the field, many of whom offer highly relevant tutorial sessions at the conferences. We at Cranfield Precision specialise in the design and manufacture of high precision machine systems, it would be unthinkable for us not to take advantage of the technical program, networking and educational opportunities on offer at euspen conferences. Since around 2011, we have been exhibitors at the annual conference exhibition, we have found this to be an excellent way of making contact with new and existing customers. We can trace the initial contact made with many of our current and past customers back to the euspen conference and exhibition, so the cost of attending and exhibiting has paid for itself many times over.
With over 400 attendees focused on precision engineering, exhibiting at the Annual Conference & exhibition organised by euspen is vital to getting our message to the right people. The ultimate benefit to attending is the people you meet. Networking with industry experts willing to discuss ideas and offer suggestions to those difficult projects waiting for you back home. These conversations lead to treasured relationships with talented precision engineers you can consult when difficult questions arise.

Prof. Abhay Pandit
CÚRAM- SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices; University of Galway, IE
Dynamic Strategies for Development of Host-Responsive Medical Devices
Contemporary medical device research has shifted its focus from viewing biomaterials as static structures to utilizing functionalization and biofabrication techniques to fine-tune desired responses in both host organisms and implants. A comprehensive understanding of host responses is crucial in formulating effective strategies. To achieve this, transcriptomic- and glyco-proteomics-based methodologies are employed to explore host response insights. Host responses can be manipulated through functionalization strategies that facilitate the attachment of biomolecules to diverse structural motifs. The deliberate organization of biomolecular assembly into higher-order, self-organized systems is crucial for various biological processes and the development of advanced biomaterial systems.
Abhay Pandit is the Established Professor in Biomaterials and Scientific Director of a Science Foundation Ireland-funded Centre for Research in Medical Devices (CÚRAM) at the University of Galway. Prof. Pandit has developed the next generation of reservoir delivery vehicles with high payload capacity, programmable degradation profiles, and built-in gradients of physical, chemotropic, and protective cues, which facilitate spatiotemporal localised sustained delivery of multiple biomolecules to target injury mechanisms at the molecular and cellular levels, with thrust on glycobiology. He is the author of 28 patents and licenced four technologies to medical device companies. He has published over 348 manuscripts, including esteemed journals, such as Science Translational Medicine, PNAS, Science Advances, Nature Communications, Biomaterials, and other notable high-impact publications. He has been honoured with the esteemed George Winter Award 2022, the Chandra P Sharma Award 2023, and the Biomaterials Advances Innovation Award 2023 for his research contributions to biomaterials. He is also a fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), Tissue Engineering, and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS), Irish Academy of Engineering, and International Union of Societies for Biomaterials Science and Engineering (IUSBSE).
Google Scholar:

Prof. Andrew Parnell
Maynooth University, IE
Digital Twins and Artificial Intelligence in Precision Additive Manufacturing
Precision additive manufacturing (AM) stands out as a transformative approach, offering unparalleled capabilities to produce intricate and customized products. In my talk I will discuss into the symbiotic relationship between Digital Twins — virtual replicas of physical assets — and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in enhancing AM processes. The convergence of these advanced technologies facilitates real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and dynamic response to changes during the production process.
Andrew Parnell is Hamilton Professor and Director of the Hamilton Institute at Maynooth University. His research is in statistics and machine learning applied to a wide variety of scientific areas. He has co-authored over 100 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers, including in Science, Nature Communications, Nature Plants, and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and has contributed foundational methodology in journals such as Statistics and Computing, Knowledge-Based Systems, and Environmetrics. He has been awarded over €3 million to date in direct funding as PI or Co-PI, and has been involved in grants totalling over €65 million as PI/collaborator. He is currently a principal investigator in the SFI I-Form Advanced Manufacturing Centre working on closed-loop control and the design of digital twins for additive manufacturing processes using artificial intelligence.
Davina Maria Di Cara
European Space Agency (ESA), NL
European Space Agency activities on Electric and Micro Propulsion: technology state of the art and needs for precision manufacturing and verification
Europe has extensive heritage in developing Electric and Micro Propulsion technologies for Spacecraft. Recent European successes include several GEO Telecommunication satellites like ARTEMIS, AlphaSAT, Eurostar E3000, Spacebus 4000, SmallGEO, Spacebus NEO and Eurostar NEO, the ESA’s SMART-1 mission to the Moon, the ESA’s GOCE Earth Gravity mission and the ESA-JAXA BepiColombo mission to Mercury.
Ongoing developments target next generation GEO telecommunication satellites, large constellations of Telecommunication and Earth Observation small satellites in Low Earth Orbits, Galileo 2nd Generation Navigation constellation, Next Generation Gravity mission, Mars Sample Return and several Cubesat missions.
Electric and Micro Propulsion are considered as a strategic technology to enable mobility in space, to increase competitiveness and enhance or even unlock emerging space applications.
The European Space Agency, the European Commission, the National Space Agencies, and European Industry are working together to mature this technology via on-ground qualification and in-orbit demonstration, to improve performance and reliability, to significantly reduce prices, to increase production volume and to establish/retain leadership.
This keynote will present the state of the art of the Electric and Micro Propulsion technology in Europe, elaborate on future mission needs and technology gaps, trends and opportunities with focus on the needs for precision manufacturing and verification.
Davina Di Cara graduated in Aerospace Engineering in 2003 from Politecnico di Torino in Italy. In 2004, she started working at ESA/ESTEC as Young Graduate Trainee and, since 2006, she works at ESTEC as Electric Propulsion Engineer. Davina has contributed to several ESA projects as expert electric propulsion engineer and has managed several R&D contracts targeting development of electric propulsion technologies at different power levels, from requirements definition, though preliminary and critical design assessment, up to complete ground qualification and flight readiness. She has also tested several electric propulsion systems at the ESA Propulsion Laboratory.
At present, in addition to technically managing various R&D contracts, Davina is the ESA propulsion senior expert for the GALILEO G2A project, the coordinator of the ESA Harmonisation Roadmap on electric propulsion and cubesat propulsion technologies and the Deputy Manager of the ESA Propulsion Laboratory.