Flexure positioning stage based on delta technology for high precision and dynamic industrial machining applications
Computer numerical control (CNC),Control,Dynamic,Precision
Precision control for ten decades cross-scale subnanometer positioning and measuring machines
Large area, low cost micro and nanostructured sleeves and shims based on Nanocoining
Control,Nano manufacturing,Nano indentation,Stamping
Microstructured PVDF surfaces and their inhibitory effect on the microbial attachment of nosocomial biofilm-forming microorganisms
Measurements of freeform surfaces with three dimensional nano-profiler based on normal vector tracing method
Surface Structuring of SiSiC by Jet-Electrochemical Machining
Carbide,Electro chemical machining (ECM),Surface
Mathematical approach to the validation of form removal software
A novel multiscale material plasticity model for prediction of material behaviour in high-performance cutting