Project Description
Virtual Special Interest Group Meeting : Structured & Freeform Surfaces
6th – 8th October 2020
Virtual Special Interest Group Meeting: Structured & Freeform Surfaces
6th – 8th October 2020
euspen’s Special Interest Group Meeting on Structured & Freeform Surfaces was planned to be held at Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Germany. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been decided to deliver this meeting as a “virtual online web-meeting”, to ensure the participants remain safely connected.
Structured and Freeform Surfaces play an increasingly important role in many technology advancements ranging from optics to biomedical and energy applications. The functional characteristics of such surfaces supersede those of “traditional” surfaces, thus opening research and development avenues and new challenges for their specification, fabrication, measurement and verification.
The next euspen Special Interest Group (SIG) on Structured and Freeform Surfaces meeting will bring together researchers and practitioners from academia, industry and government agencies to discuss state-of-the-art practice, and key research and development in the area of precision engineering associated with structured and freeform surfaces. The meeting includes keynote presentations, oral sessions, posters and training seminars covering the newest developments and research on structured and freeform surfaces.
The local hosts and organizing committee for the Special Interest Group meeting on Structured Freeform Surfaces are :- Prof. Richard Leach from University of Nottingham; John Schaefer from Raytheon Technologies; Alexander Sohn from Facebook Reality Labs; Dr Zhen Tong from University of Huddersfield; Dr Uwe Brand from PTB; Prof. Guido Tosello from DTU and Prof. Benny Cheung from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Structured Freeform Surfaces meeting chair is Prof. Richard Leach from University of Nottingham
A special focus will be given to research fields in the following topics:
Replication Techniques
- Surface functionalisation
- Replication processes (moulding, imprinting, embossing, …)
- 3D micro-additive manufacturing technologies
- Replication assessment and tolerance verification
Structured Surfaces to Affect Function
- Structured surfaces characterization, combining structured and freeform geometries
- Functionality and structure (tribology, biology, …)
- Manufacturing and measurement (in-line, in-situ), process control
- Dimensional metrology for structured surfaces
Precision Freeform Surfaces
- Freeform surface characterisation
- Functionality and topography (optics, aeronautics, …)
- Manufacturing and measurement (in-line, in-situ), process control
- Dimensional metrology for freeform surfaces
A special focus will be given to research fields in the following topics:
Large-Scale Surface Structuring
- Microstructures on large-scale surfaces (rigid and non-rigid)
- Roll-to-roll patterning and structuring
- Manufacturing and measurement (in-line, in-situ), process control
- Dimensional metrology for large-scale surfaces
Surfaces for Nanomanufacturing and Metrology
- Nano-structured and functionalised surface characterisation
- Nanomanufacturing processes (substractive, additive, formative)
- Measurement and evaluation of nano-structured surfaces
- Dimensional metrology at of nanoscale surfaces and structures
Key Dates:
2nd March 2020
Call for short abstracts
1st June 2020
Delegate registration open
13th July 2020
Online abstract submission deadline
31st July 2020
Notification of presentation award (oral/poster)
Virtual Registration Fees
- €195.00+VAT euspen member
- €95.00+VAT Student member
- €295.00+VAT Non-euspen members
- €375.00+VAT Exhibitor
- €55.00+VAT Tutorial
Virtual Delegate Registration
Please register by 29th September 2020
The euspen SIG meeting on Structured & Freeform Surfaces will take place as a virtual meeting.
The euspen virtual meeting complies with international VAT/IVA rules and as such UK Standard VAT of 20% will be applied to the following delegate registration invoices. You should read the following rules and select with Delegate Registration A or B dependant on which category you are in.
Select Registration Form A if any of the following applies:-
- You are based within the UK
- You are a private individual or representing a European company that is not VAT/IVA registered
Select Registration Form B if any of the following applies:-
- You are representing an organisation which is VAT registered in another EU country and you are able to provide your VAT/IVA registration number
- You are representing a business outside Europe
Submit an abstract for Structured & Freeform Surfaces 2020
We are delighted to bring together leading expertise globally to an open forum for
focused presentations and discussions on Structured and Freeform Surfaces
Announcement & Call for Abstracts
Come and join your international peers and maintain a leading edge on technology, customers, partners and suppliers. Access the greatest minds in Structured & Freeform Surfaces. Share knowledge and information and stimulate debates.
- Replication Techniques
- Structured Surfaces to Affect Function
- Precision Freeform Surfaces
- Large-Scale Surface Structuring
- Surfaces for Nano-manufacturing and Metrology
Submission of abstracts
Abstracts are expected to describe original work, previously unpublished and should indicate new and significant advances and their importance. Initially short abstracts comprising of approx. 300 words in length should be submitted online using the below links.
Following review a review of submitted abstracts, authors will be notified of acceptance of presentation mode (poster/oral).
The invitation to submit an abstract does not constitute an offer to pay travel, accommodation or registration costs associated with the conference. Similarly, no speaker fee is paid to successful participants. All speakers must register for the conference and transfer registration fee. In specific cases the organising committee reserves the right to deviate from the standard procedure.
Submission deadline: 13th July 2020
Meeting Keynotes & SOTAs

Dr-Ing. Lars Schönemann
Leibniz-Institut für Werkstofforientierte Technologien IWT, Germany
Review on the manufacture of multiscale structured surfaces
Nature is full of examples for structured surfaces that serve a specific function, such as diffractive patterns for color effects on butterfly wings, structures that impact the adhesion of the surface to other media like on the feet of a Gecko or features that alter the surface’ friction like on a shark skin, to name only a few. The inherent challenge of manufacturing these kinds of surfaces on technical products is that complex functions or combinations of different functions typically require a multiscality of the structural elements, e.g. hierarchically stacked structures of different shapes and sizes ranging across serval orders of magnitude.
After giving a short intoduction to functionalities that are achievable by structured surfaces, this keynote presentation will give an overview on the recent state of the art of manufacturing processes with regard to their capability of generating multiscale structured surfaces. For comparing different technologies with each other, their achievable “multiscality” will be assessed by the ratios of lateral and vertical extent of the structures. Furthermore, not only single step processes will be considered, but particular attention will also be given to multi-step and multi-physics approaches that are currently under research and development and could potentially become relevant in the future.
Lars Schönemann graduated from the University of Bremen with a Bachelor’s degree in Systems Engineering in 2006 and a Master’s degree in the same field in 2008. Since 2007 he is working as a research engineer at the Laboratory for Precision Machining LFM, a department of the Leibniz Institute for Materials Engineering in Bremen, Germany. He obtained his doctorate (Dr.-Ing.) in 2014 for his work on Diamond Micro Chiseling of prismatic optical microstructures and since then is head of the Junior Research Group “Economic Ultra-Precision Machining – speedUP” at the LFM.
His research focuses on ultra-precision machining processes, especially for generating functional surfaces, as well as mechatronic system development and digitalization. He has experience in managing large-scale national and international projects, such as the German research unit FOR1845 “Ultra-precision high performance cutting” (2014-2020) or the European H2020-project “ProSurf – High Precision Process Chains for the Mass Production of Functional Structured Surfaces“. He published more than 50 papers and presented his work at several euspen conferences, topical meetings, CIRP conferences and ASPE annual meetings.
Prof. Erwin Peiner
TU Braunschweig, Germany
Semiconductor nanowire arrays for energy harvesting – fabrication and characterization
More than half of the worldwide produced energy is wasted and rejected to the environment. Semiconductor nanowire (NW) arrays are a subset of the class of nanomaterials, which can help to recover such waste energy from power generation, transportation, industrial processes, etc. They outperform the properties of their bulk counterparts by, e. g., a drastically lower thermal conductivity, which is beneficial for the figure of merit of thermoelectric heat recovery. Furthermore, many semiconductors are abundant, non-toxic, and environmentally benign and can be manufactured using highly developed nanofabrication methods. Nevertheless, as one of the key factors for future commercialization of NW-based energy harvesters, traceable high-throughput nanometrological tools are indispensable.
In an international project within the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research different top-down and bottom-up fabrication techniques of semiconductor NW arrays, e. g., cryogenic deep reactive ion etching (cryoDRIE), metal-assisted chemical etching (MACE), and chemical bath deposition/aqueous crystal growth (CBD/ACG) shall be compared and investigated with respect to their performance in piezoelectric harvesters, thermoelectric energy generators, and solar cells. Lithography available in the cleanroom laboratories of IHT and PTB, e.g., nano imprint lithography (NIL), nano sphere lithography (NSL), and e-beam lithography (EBL) will be described as used for fabricating various semiconductor NW structures under the control of many different structure parameters such as cross-sectional shape, diameter, length, orientation, surface roughness, doping concentration, elasticity, fracture limit and piezoelectric coefficients. For characterization and control of these parameters, various methods including conventional scanning probe microscopy (SPM) and MEMS-based SPM, Müller-matrix ellipsometry (MME), scatterometry, spreading resistance microscopy (SSRM), contact resonance force microscopy (CR-FM), nanoindentation and continuous stiffness measurement (CSM) technique are required. Their potential for high-throughput nanometrology and process control will be investigated, improved and demonstrated.
Dr Adam Clare
University of Nottingham, UK
Electrochemical jet surface structuring: an overview
Electrodeposition and other electrochemical processes have been widely used in surface manufacturing, ranging from the traditional surface finishing to electrodeposition of functional materials and devices, as well as electro-machining. In recent work we have explored the use of jetted electrochemical techniques as a direct competitor for more established energy beam techniques and as a new route to arrive at complex structures at ultra-low cost. Electrochemical processes are highly dependent upon the energy bearing media (the electrolyte), the process mechanics and the characteristics of the workpiece material. Recent work has sought to explore the interplay between these in order to bring new applications to these processes.
This talk will explore three process innovations in particular. Firstly, the energy density distribution of electrolyte jets is modified through the design of nozzles which allow the manipulation of removal contours. This approach is analogous to holographic optics in laser processes where the energy distribution can be tailored within a beam. Secondly, the means by which electrochemical jets can be used as materials characterisation tool will be explored. Finally, the advances our team has made in producing the finest features by an electrochemical jet in machining will be reported.
This overview presentation will explore contributions of three completed PhD projects and introduce our commercial activity through Texture Jet Ltd.