Project Description
Special Interest Group Meeting: Micro/Nano Manufacturing
Technical University of Berlin 27th – 28th November 2019
Technical University of Berlin, Germany
November 27th – 28th 2019
Micro- and nano-scale manufacturing has been the subject of research and industrial focus over the past 20 years. Traditional lithography-based technology forms the basis of micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) manufacturing, but also precision manufacturing technologies have been developed to cover micro-scale dimensions and accuracies.
These fundamentally different technologies are currently combined in order to exploit strengths of both platforms. One example is the use of lithography-based technologies to establish nanostructures that are subsequently transferred to 3D geometries via injection moulding. Manufacturing processes at the micro-scale are the key-enabling technologies to bridge the gap between the nano- and the macro-worlds to increase the accuracy of micro/nano-precision production technologies, and to integrate different dimensional scales in mass-manufacturing processes.
The local hosts and organising committee supporting euspen for this Special Interest Group meeting on Micro/Nano Manufacturing are :- Prof. Dirk Oberschmidt TU Berlin, DE; Dr Oltmann Riemer, LFM (Bremen), DE ; Associate Prof. Guido Tosello from Technical University of Denmark, DK and Andreas Kuchler Ametek GmbH , DE
Themes :
· Micro & Nano Manufacturing Technologies & Applications | · Assembly & Handling | · Micro Replication Techniques |
· Metrology & Quality Control for Microparts | · Machining Technologies for Molds & Microparts |
Key Dates:
31st July 2019 : Online abstract submission deadline
1st August 2019 : Delegate Registration Open
22nd August 2019 : Notification of presentation acceptance (oral/poster)
Registration Fees:
Fees and information about the Micro/Nano Manufacturing
meeting all fees include networking dinner
- €245.00 +VAT euspen Student Member
- €395.00+VAT euspen Member
- €495.00+VAT Non-euspen members
- €595.00+VAT Exhibitor (table top)
- Networking Dinner Included with Registration Fee
- Company Tour Included with Registration Fee
All speakers and presenters must register for the conference using the appropriate delegate fee.
Submit a short abstract for Micro/Nano Manufacturing 2019
We are delighted to bring together leading expertise globally to an open forum for
focused presentations and discussions on Micro/Nano Manufacturing
Announcement & Call for Abstracts
Come and join your international peers and maintain a leading edge on technology, customers, partners and suppliers. Access the greatest minds in micro and nano research and development. Share knowledge and information and stimulate debates.
- Micro & nano manufacturing technologies and applications
- Micro replication techniques
- Machining technologies for molds and microparts
- Assembly and handling
- Metrology and quality control for microparts
Submission of abstracts
Abstracts are expected to describe original work, previously unpublished and should indicate new and significant advances and their importance. Initially short abstracts comprising of approx. 300 words in length should be submitted online using the below links.
Following review a review of submitted abstracts, authors will be notified of acceptance of presentation mode (poster/oral) no later than 22nd August 2019.
The invitation to submit an abstract does not constitute an offer to pay travel, accommodation or registration costs associated with the conference. Similarly, no speaker fee is paid to successful participants. All speakers must register for the conference and transfer registration fee. In specific cases the organising committee reserves the right to deviate from the standard procedure.
Submission deadline: 31st July 2019

Gregor Hasper
Berliner Glas Herbert Kubatz GmbH & Co.
Modern Micro Grooving – Enabling technologies for the photonic industry
High end mechanical and optical components for semiconductor equipment and for imaging applications require as always innovative key manufacturing technologies with sub micrometer accuracy. In the last decades ultra-precision manufacturing technologies for deterministic adjustment of global shape accuracies in a sub micrometer range were developed and are today well established in the praxis. Nowadays the requirements aim more and more on micro manufacturing technologies with higher spatial resolutions. Capable micro manufacturing process chains have to fulfill tightened local form specifications on a nanometer range and sophisticated topographic specifications of functional surfaces at the same time. Micro grooving is well known as a mechanical finishing technology with respect to surface topography conditioning. Typically the form accuracy of the respective surface is adjusted in previous manufacturing steps whereas the micro grooving itself is not intended to change the form accuracy again. This can be achieved under process conditions where predominantly ploughing mechanisms are effective instead of cutting. Using brittle hard materials like glass and advanced ceramics it is challenging to achieve acceptable process capabilities by conventional mechanical micro grooving. Within this keynote paper innovative approaches for deterministic micro grooving of brittle hard material are discussed. Beside enhanced mechanical machining technologies the potential of technologies based on LASER beam and microlithography are taken into account.
Gregor Hasper (1979) is department manager for optical manufacturing technology at Berliner Glas Herbert Kubatz GmbH & Co. He studied mechanical engineering at Technische Universität Berlin and made his diploma in 2006 with focus on production technology. Afterwards he worked as research engineer at the Institute for Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology in Berlin. From 2008 until 2012 he was the group leader for abrasive machining at the same institute. Since 2013 Gregor is at Berliner Glas (BG) responsible for the development and introduction of innovative key manufacturing technologies.
Confirmed Exhibitors:
Micro/Nano Manufacturing meeting is supported by:

Providing high-precision and innovative additive micro-manufacturing solutions for technology visionaries and companies aiming to be at the forefront of innovation.

Designs and manufactures ultra precision machining solutions for freeform diamond turning, milling, and grinding which are used to produce optical lenses, mold inserts, mirrors, and precision mechanical components.

Is a global leader in the design and manufacture of advanced optical metrology systems and ultra-precise optical components and assemblies.

Moore Nanotechnology Systems, LLC (Nanotech®) is dedicated to the development of ultra-precision machining systems and their successful utilization through the formation of lifelong customer partnerships.