Vibration isolation and active damping systems

|Vibration isolation and active damping systems

State space controller for actuator control of an active jerk decoupled feed drive


Development of a compact active vibration isolator for cryogenic conditions


Impulse Disturbance Rejection in Adaptive Feedforward Control for an Active Vibration Isolation System

Adaptive control,Vibration

Reference Tracking of Distributed Parameter system with Input Delay and Disturbance compensation

Vibration suppression of a state-of-the-art wafer gripper

State space controller for actuator control of an active jerk decoupled feed drive


Piezo-based active damping and drift correction on a larger hexapod structure


Comparison of single-beam and dual-beam differential interferometry for motion measurements in noisy environments


Development of a compact active vibration isolator for cryogenic conditions


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