Large Scale Precision Engineering

|Large Scale Precision Engineering

Parallel positioning technology for a high-energy synchrotron beam-line system

Conceptual design,Kinematic,Parallel,X-ray

Micro-Injection Moulding Simulation and Manufacturing of Polymer Chips for Acoustic Separation


Simulation and accuracy evaluation of a new 3D photogrammetric position measurement system

Accuracy,Calibration,In-process measurement,Simulation

Improving position accuracy in large scale laser structuring processes using surface feature detection algorithms

Accuracy,Adaptive control,Laser beam machining (LBM),Robot

Geometrical measurement concept for the ATLAS New Small Wheel construction

Alignment,Measuring instrument,Positioning

Structured Laser Beam for Alignment and Large-Scale Metrology


3D monitoring of the LHCb SciFi detector


Frequency scanning interferometry for accurate robot position measurement


Centre displacement device for eccentric turning of large workpieces


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