Shinshu University

|Shinshu University

Stabilization and optimization of dynamic property for sub-nanometre resolution on ultraprecision positioning mechanism driven by preloaded ball screw


Ultraprecision 4-axis positioning mechanism using flexure guide and electromagnetic actuator for topography measurement and processing system


Microscopic behaviour of positioning mechanism driven by preloaded ball screw with external disturbance from ultraprecision turning process


Dynamic property and settling stability of ultraprecision positioning mechanism with sub-nanometre resolution driven by preloaded ball screw


Control of contact resistance and frictional condition between cylindrical models for hydraulic half-floating sliding leadscrew


Microscopic behaviour of ultraprecision positioning mechanism driven by ball screw with external axial load

Ultraprecise positioning mechanism with 3-DOF over a one-millimeter stroke using monolithic flexure guide and electromagnetic actuator

Linear stepping actuator with ultra-fine resolution using coaxial differential ball screw

Ultraprecision positioning with sub-nanometer resolution by using ball screw and aerostatic guide way

Positioning Accuracy of a High-precision Planer Multi-joint Mechanism: Measurement and a Method of Link Parameter Calibration for Error Compensation

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