Project Description
Special Interest Group Meeting: Precision Engineering for Sustainable Energy Systems
9th -10th October 2019, University of Strathclyde, UK
University of Strathclyde, UK
October 9th – 10th 2019
euspen is delighted to announce its first Special Interest Group Workshop on Precision Engineering for Sustainable Energy Systems. We are seeking interested parties with suggestions for oral presentations in the technical sessions and commercial sessions in Wind, Storage, Solar and Oceanic. Please contact us at
Precision machines have long been at the forefront of one industrial revolution after another to enable the turning of ideas into the economical production of physical objects. In all likelihood the emerging Sustainable Revolution could be the start of a new golden age for the planet and humanity.
Whilst there is no shortage of renewable energy systems available at ever-decreasing costs, they are not evolving fast enough to economically transition to a low carbon economy.
The purpose of this workshop is thus to bring together people from academia, industry, and government to share experiences with using precision engineering principles to help develop new ideas and manufacturing systems to reduce production and ownership costs.
Areas of interest include automated precision production of components and systems ranging from manufacture of solar cells and panels to their installation and maintenance; to ever larger wind turbines on and offshore including in-situ manufacturing of ever larger elements; to energy storage systems from batteries to hydro power systems.
We are seeking interested parties with suggestions for oral presentations in the technical sessions and commercial sessions in the following renewable energies:-
Wind | Storage | Solar | Oceanic |
. Actuators, gearing and controls . Blades and materials . Towers | . Hydro . Flywheel . Battery . Thermal | . Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) . Photovoltaics (PV) | . Wave . Tidal . Off-shore Wind . Automated aquaculture and mineral harvesting |
The organising committee and local hosts supporting euspen for this Special Interest Group meeting on Precision Engineering for Sustainable Energy Systems are:- Dr Harald Bosse, PTB, Prof. Paul Shore, NPL, Prof. Alex Slocum, MIT, Prof. Xichun Luo, University of Strathclyde
Meeting Information:
Invited Presenters Include:
- Prof. Enrico Savio, University of Padua, IT
- Prof. W E Leithead, EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Wind and Marine Energy Systems and Structures, University of Strathclyde, UK
- Dr.-Ing. Prof. Frank Härtig, PTB, DE
- Dr. Harald Bosse, PTB, DE
- Prof. Maximilian Fleischer, Siemens AG, DE
- Prof. Alex Slocum, MIT, US
- Prof. Liam Blunt, University of Huddersfield, UK
- Prof. Tapas Mallick, Environment and Sustainability Institute, University of Exeter, UK
- Prof. Henrik Pranov, Heliac, DK
- Prof. Paul Shore, NPL, UK
- Prof. Xichun Luo, University of Strathclyde, UK
- Cheng Cheng, The Australian National University, AUS
- Miles Franklin, Gravitricity, UK
- Marieke Beckmann, NPL, UK
- Arend de Groot, TNO, NL
Examples of presentation titles which will be of a technical nature addressing the challenges of Precision Engineering within Sustainable Energy Systems:
- Competence Centre for Wind energy
- Traceable measurements of large drivetrain components for wind energy systems
- The Sustainable energy system of the future and its need for storage technologies
- Production and in process metrology of thin film photovoltaics
- Challenges, Opportunities and Integrations of Solar Energy technologies
- Energy Harvesting and Storage System – Stabilized Offshore Wind Turbines
- Pumped hydro storage and 100% renewable electricity
- Large area precision manufacturing of light guiding lenses for solar heat
- Developing the supply chain for PEM electrolysers
Organisations expressing an interest in attending:
Bombora Wave Power, UK | Cranfield University, UK | EPSRC, UK |
Harbin Institute of Technology, CN | Heliac, DK | Leine Linde Systems GmbH, DE |
Marton Geotechnical Services (MGS), UK | MIT, US | Nippon Sheet Glass (NSG), UK |
NPL, UK | Odqa Renewable Energy Technologies, UK | Oxford Instruments, UK |
PTB, DE | Siemens AG, DE | Technical University of Denmark, DK |
The Australian National University, AUS | TNO, NL | University of Cambridge, UK |
University of Exeter, UK | University of Huddersfield, UK | University of Padua, IT |
University of Strathclyde, UK | Gravitricity, UK |
Key Dates:
12th July 2019 : Online abstract submission deadline
15th July 2019 : Delegate Registration Open
9th August 2019 : Notification of presentation acceptance (poster)
Registration Fees:
Fees and information about the Precision Engineering for Sustainable Energy Systems meeting. All fees include networking dinner
- euspen Student Member – £195+VAT
- euspen Member – £295+VAT
- Non-euspen members – £345+VAT
- Exhibitor (table top) – £595+VAT
- Networking Dinner Included with Registration Fee
- Company Tour Included with Registration Fee
All speakers and presenters must register for the conference using the appropriate delegate fee.
Submit a short abstract for Precision Engineering for Sustainable Energy Systems 2019
We are delighted to bring together leading expertise globally to an open forum for
focused presentations and discussions on Precision Engineering for Sustainable Energy Systems
Announcement & Call for Abstracts
Come and join your international peers and maintain a leading edge on technology, customers, partners and suppliers. Access the greatest minds in Precision Engineering for Sustainable Energy Systems. Share knowledge and information and stimulate debates.
a) Actuators; b) Gearing, and controls; c) Blades and materials; d) Towers
a) Hydro; b) Flywheel; c) Battery; d) Thermal (including geothermal)
a) Concentrating Solar Power (CSP); b) Photovoltaics (PV)
a) Wave; b) Tidal; c) Off-shore Wind; d) Automated aquaculture and mineral harvesting
Submission of abstracts
Abstracts are expected to describe original work, previously unpublished and should indicate new and significant advances and their importance. Initially short abstracts comprising of approx. 300 words in length should be submitted online using the below links.
Following review a review of submitted abstracts, authors will be notified of acceptance of presentation mode (poster) no later than 9th August 2019.
The invitation to submit an abstract does not constitute an offer to pay travel, accommodation or registration costs associated with the conference. Similarly, no speaker fee is paid to successful participants. All speakers must register for the conference and transfer registration fee. In specific cases the organising committee reserves the right to deviate from the standard procedure.