Project Description

Virtual Special Interest Group Meeting: Precision Motion Systems & Control
17th – 18th November 2020

Delegate Registration

Virtual Special Interest Group Meeting: Precision Motion Systems & Control
17th – 18th November 2020

Registration Fees
Abstract Submissions
Download Flyer
Live Poster Presentation Guidelines
Live Oral Presentation Guidelines
Joining Instructions

euspen’s Special Interest Group Meeting on Precision Motion Systems & Control was planned to be held at the Brabanthallen‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been decided to deliver this meeting as a “virtual online web-meeting”, to ensure the participants remain safely connected. 

Precision motion systems and their control are key elements for precision engineering, both for manufacturing applications as well as for measuring instruments. From one-dimensional systems to complex multi-axis machines, components for linear and angular guidance, actuation, measurement and control of motion are needed for precision positioning tasks.

Increasing demands on the throughput of manufacturing systems and measuring instruments lead to the development of motion systems with higher dynamics and corresponding challenges for position control. As a consequence, the research on and the development of advanced precision motion components, systems and their control are focus areas for industry and academia.

The first euspen Special Interest Group (SIG) on Precision Motion Systems & Control meeting will bring together researchers and practitioners from academia, industry and government agencies to discuss state-of-the-art practice, and key research and development in the area of precision engineering associated with Precision Motion Systems & Control. The meeting includes keynote presentations, oral sessions, posters and training seminars covering the newest developments and research.

In addition the Precision Fair, annual meeting for precision technology professionals has also changed to an online meeting.  You still have the opportunity for networking and discover the latest developments in precision technology.  During Precision Fair Online, you can choose from no fewer than 14 webinars from 10:00 to 16:00. You can also participate in the online Meet & Match throughout the day.  Don’t forget to register for the Precision Fair online!

The intensive on-going work in this area led us to bring together this first internationally-coordinated meeting and we are seeking papers in the following categories, which are given for orientation, however, possible contributions are not limited to these:

Precision guide components and systems

  • Advanced guides (advanced materials, …) and bearing (air, magnetic, …) systems
  • Measurement methods and modelling approaches of guide performance parameter

Drive systems and actuators

  • Latest developments in direct drive technology (electromagnetic, piezo actuators, …)
  • High precision actuators (linearity, dynamics, …)
  • New type of drive systems
  • Advanced coupling methods for drives systems

Linear and angular position measurement systems 

  • Position sensors (Interferometry,grating-based measurement systems, capacitive sensors, …)
  • Multi-axis position metrology (Sensors for multiple degrees of freedom, mathematical methods for self calibration, …)
  • Integration of measurement systems in positioning applications

New approaches in position control algorithms 

  • Advanced position control algorithms (Feedforward, Model predictive control, …)
  • Machine learning approaches

Multi-axis positioning systems

  • Advanced systems for multi-axis positioning tasks in complex machines
  • Design and modelling of multi-axis positioning systems
  • Performance verification of multi-axis positioning systems

High dynamic positioning systems

  • Design and development approaches to satisfy the conflicting goals of accuracy and high dynamics in positioning tasks
  • Highly dynamic sensor systems including fast data processing

Vibration control

  • Advanced systems for vibration control of components, machines and instruments
  • Measurement and modelling of the performance of vibration control systems

The local hosts and organizing committee for the Special Interest Group meeting on Precision Motion Systems & Control are :- Mario Di Castro from CERN, CH; Dr. Jens Flügge from PTB, DE and Markus Hauf from Carl Zeiss, DE

The Precision Motion Systems & Control meeting chair is Dr. Jens Flügge, from PTB, DE

Key Dates:

29th June 2020
Online abstract submission deadline

15th July 2020
Notification of Presentation Award (Oral/Poster)

10th September 2020
Programme available online

Registration Fees

  • €195.00+VAT euspen member
  • €95.00+VAT Student member
  • €295.00+VAT Non-euspen members
  • €375.00+VAT Exhibitor
  • €55+VAT  Tutorial

Virtual Delegate Registration
Please register by 10th November 2020

The euspen SIG meeting on Precision Motion Systems & Control will take place as a virtual meeting.

The euspen virtual meeting complies with international VAT/IVA rules and as such UK Standard VAT of 20% will be applied to the following delegate registration invoices. You should read the following rules and select with Delegate Registration A or B dependant on which category you are in.

Select Registration Form A if any of the following applies:-

  1. You are based within the UK
  2. You are a private individual or representing a European company that is not VAT/IVA registered

Select Registration Form B if any of the following applies:-

  1. You are representing an organisation which is VAT registered in another EU country and you are able to provide your VAT/IVA registration number
  2. You are representing a business outside Europe
Delegate Registration A
Delegate Registration B
Individual Registration

Submit an abstract for Precision Motion Systems & Control 2020

We are delighted to bring together leading expertise globally to an open forum for
focused presentations and discussions on Precision Motion Systems & Control

Abstract Submissions
Abstract Template

Announcement & Call for Abstracts

Come and join your international peers and maintain a leading edge on technology, customers, partners and suppliers. Access the greatest minds in Precision Motion Systems & Control, share knowledge and information and stimulate debates.


  • Precision guide components and systems
  • Drive systems and actuators
  • Linear and angular position measurement systems 
  • New approaches in position control algorithms 
  • Multi-axis positioning systems
  • High dynamic positioning systems
  • Vibration control

Submission of abstracts

Abstracts are expected to describe original work, previously unpublished and should indicate new and significant advances and their importance. Initially short abstracts comprising of approx. 300 words in length should be submitted online using the below links.

Following review a review of submitted abstracts, authors will be notified of acceptance of presentation mode (poster/oral).

The invitation to submit an abstract does not constitute an offer to pay travel, accommodation or registration costs associated with the conference. Similarly, no speaker fee is paid to successful participants. All speakers must register for the conference and transfer registration fee. In specific cases the organising committee reserves the right to deviate from the standard procedure.

Meeting Keynotes 

Prof. Hans Butler  

ASML, Netherlands

Mechatronic challenges in optical lithography

In lithographic tools used in chip manufacturing, the imaging resolution (capability to create small features) is physically limited by the optics and the light source wavelength. In the course of time, many solutions have been pursued to push this resolution to smaller values, with significant consequences for the mechatronic designs in the machine. In immersion systems, a layer of water is contained between the projection lens and the wafer. Multiple patterning techniques create a dependency of (layer-to-layer) overlay errors with imaging performance, creating tight requirements on stage accuracy. Extreme-ultraviolet lithographic tools have to operate in vacuum, and next-generation, high-NA EUV tools will use anamorphic optics.

This talk introduces the latest solutions for making smaller features already in operation today, and also looks ahead to future systems. The mechatronic challenges and solutions associated with these techniques will be addressed.


Hans Butler obtained his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in adaptive control at Delft University of Technology in 1986 and 1990, respectively. After joining ASML in 1991, he has developed controllers for multiple high-precision modules in lithographic tools such as handlers, illuminators, projection systems, and stages. He has led groups working on actuators, opto-mechatronics, and system dynamics. Since 2010 he is an ASML fellow with dynamics and control as his main focus area. Since 2012 he is a part-time full professor at the Control Systems group of the Electrical Engineering Faculty at the Eindhoven University of Technology, with a main focus on high-accuracy mechatronic systems.

Prof. Dr.-Ing habil. Eberhard Manske

TU Ilmenau, Germany

High precision mechatronic approaches for advanced nanopositioning and nanomeasuring technologies

Today, nanopositioning and nanometrology techniques are indispensable in many areas of nanotechnology, precision and ultra-precision manufacturing. These terms are often used in connection with piezo precision stages, without which the groundbreaking development of scanning probe microscopy would not have been possible. For more and more applications, however, the demand for nanoprecision must also be met in much larger measuring and working ranges of many millimeters.

In recent years, the TU Ilmenau has succeeded in developing nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machines for ranges of 25 mm x 25 mm x 5 mm to 200 mm x 200 mm x 20 mm with a resolution of 20 pm. The enormous accuracy is only achieved by the consistent application of error-minimized measuring principles and high-precision mechatronic approaches. In contrast to conventional concepts, high-precision fabrication of optical or mechanical functional surfaces of the measuring machines is contrasted with mechatronic measurement and control concepts.

This talk presents solutions and latest progress in the development and realization of high-precision positioning and measuring machines.


Eberhard Manske received the Diploma in Electrical Engineering from the Technische Universität Ilmenau in 1982. He obtained the Ph.D. degree in 1986, and the habilitation in 2006 in the field of precision measurement technology. Since 2008 he holds a professorship “Production and Precision Measurement Technology” at the Technische Universität Ilnmenau.

From 2008 to 2013 he was spokesman of the Collaborative Research Centre “Nanopositioning and Nanomeasuring Machines (SFB 622)” and since 2017 he leads the research training group “Tip- and laser-based 3D-Nanofabrication in extended macroscopic working areas (NanoFab)” funded by the German Research Council. His research activities focus on the development of nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machines, especially in the fields of high precision laser interferometry, laser stabilization, frequency comb technology, optical and tactile nanosensors and scanning probe techniques.

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