Dubrovnik 2014

|Dubrovnik 2014

Proposal of high performance eco-friendly (water soluble) coolant utilizing strong alkali ion water

A holistic approach for µEDM milling on SLMed steel

Polishing phenomena of aluminum alloy and a polishing-trial in ultraviolet-ray irradiation (Study of ultraviolet-ray aided machining)

Fabrication of single-wall Carbon nanotube STM probe and processing of single nanometer scale pit with high-aspectratio for highly oriented pyrolytic graphite

Dicing of thin Si Wafers with a picosecond laser ablation process and high-speed polygon scanner system

Development of magnetic field-assisted finishing (MFAF) for exotic materials using abrasive slurry circulation system effects of media properties on the finishing characteristics

On-demand surface enhancements by friction stir burnishing

On the stabiliy of a vacuum chamber support

Rapid on-machine measurement of surface finish in repeated cylindrical grinding cycles

Predictive modelling of laser heating in low thermal expansion glass to laser assist plasma surface figuring

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