KU Leuven

|KU Leuven

Enhancing Keyhole Porosity Detection in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Using a Hybrid Approach of Machine Learning and Physics-Informed Knowledge

Defect,Monitoring,Quality assurance,Selective laser melting (SLM)

Light-box set-up for the development of resins for vat polymerization additive manufacturing

Biomedical,Manufacturing (CAM),Development,Process

Mould manufacturing via hybrid laser powder bed fusion of M789 steel on a functional base

Alignment,3D printing,Mold (or Mould),Selective laser melting (SLM)

Manufacturing constraints for Cu paste based 3D micro-extrusion

3D printing,Extrusion,Heat treatment,Metrology

Feasibility test of a flexible PCB with embedded strain gauges to measure cutting forces on the tool holder

Chatter,In-process measurement,Milling

Investigation of laser scanning parameters on the geometry of laser ablated hollow microneedle cavities

Laser micro machining

End to end additive manufacturing for a structural aerospace component

Coordinate measuring machine (CMM),3D printing,Inspection,X-ray

Effect of different lumen profiles during femtosecond laser machining on injection moulded hollow polymer microneedles

Injection,Laser micro machining,Molding (or Moulding)

Sensing for self-aware machine tools


A novel design of soft tool manipulator for hard-to-reach zone machining by micro-EDM

Conceptual design,Design,Electrical discharge machining (EDM),Tooling

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