Eindhoven University of Technology

|Eindhoven University of Technology

Precision Control for Gravitational Wave detectors

Control,Design method,Feedback,Mechatronic

Data-Driven Compensation of Unmodeled Dynamics for Complex Mechatronic Systems – Part I: Position-Dependent Feedforward through Gaussian Process Regression


Digital Twins for Precision Mechatronics: Predictive Maintenance via Fault Detection and Isolation


Data-Driven Compensation of Unmodeled Dynamics for Complex Mechatronic Systems – Part II: Combining Models and Neural Networks

Control,Mechatronic,Motion,Neural network

Basis Function feedforward for Position-Dependent Systems


Data-Driven Compensation of Unmodeled Dynamics for Complex Mechatronic Systems – Part III: Control-Relevant Neural Networks for Feedforward

Identification,Mechatronic,Motion,Neural network

Design Analysis of Future Deformable Mirrors

Identification,Mechatronic,Precision,Structural analysis

Learning for motion control in bonding machines: Bridging data-driven learning and physical modelling


Long-Range Piezo Actuators: Compensating Hysteresis and Commutation Angle Reproducible Disturbances


Compensating position-dependent disturbances in mechatronic systems: a new repetitive control framework with applications to a substrate carrier


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