Special Interest Group Meeting: Advancing Precision in Additive Manufacturing
16th – 18th September 2019
Ecole Centrale de Nantes
1 rue de la Noë, 44321 Nantes Cedex 3, France
Tutorial: Surface Metrology for Additive Manufacturing
Monday 16th September 2019
Time: 09:30 – 12:30
The tutor is Professor Richard Leach, University of Nottingham, UK
The lectures will cover justification and general concepts of surface texture metrology for additive surfaces: measurement, traceability and calibration, and characterisation. Contact stylus instruments and the contact method are summarised and the influencing factors within the contact measurement and the accruement of errors within a stylus measurement are explained. Optical methods and their common characteristics and limitations are described in addition to the individual methods available for optical measurement of surface topography. Each optical measurement technique, its procedure for measurement and its related errors are explained and assessed by its advantages and disadvantages regarding surface measurement. This topic also covers the principles and application of bandwidth matching. Characterisation of surface texture is defined for both profile and areal measurement along with the description of basic parameters and their common application within additive manufacturing. Relevant ISO standards are covered in which the parameters and procedures for analysis and characterisation of surface texture are discussed for profile and areal parameters as well as an introduction to dimensional feature-based characterisation. To develop a context for application of surface metrology, case studies of procedure for surface texture measurement and characterisation for additive manufactured components are commented throughout. This topic will give the students a wide ranging understanding in the methods for measuring surface texture. It will allow them to use their knowledge to inform their decisions in selecting suitable methodologies for measurement and characterisation of surface texture as well as identify and follow the correct standards in place. Surface metrology is of growing importance with the development of additive manufacturing and it can allow for great insight into the understanding of manufacturing processes through the characterisation of resultant features, and the determination of functionality and functional requirements.
Tutorial intention: This course will provide the basic understanding of all key concepts in surface topography measurement and characterisation.
Intended for: Students, researchers and industrial staff who are interested in the surfaces produced by additive manufacturing.

Richard is currently a professor in metrology at the University of Nottingham and prior to this spent 25 years at the National Physical Laboratory. He obtained a PhD in Surface Metrology from University of Warwick in 2000 and a DSc from Warwick in 2014. He has been researching and lecturing on surface metrology for 30 years. He is on the Council of the European Society of Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, the International Committee on Measurements and Instrumentation and several international standards committees. He is the European Editor-in-Chief for Precision Engineering and the founder of the new Institute of Physics journal: Surface Topography: Metrology & Properties. I has over 410 publications including five textbooks. Richard is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics, the Institution of Engineering & Technology, the Institute of Measurement & Control, the International Society of Nanomanufacturing, a Sustained Member of the American Society of Precision Engineering, a Chartered Engineer and a Chartered Physicist. He is a visiting professor at Loughborough University and the Harbin Institute of Technology.