Project Description
Special Interest Group Meeting: Precision Engineering for Sustainable Energy Systems
13th – 14th October 2021, (Virtual)
Precision Engineering for Sustainable Energy Systems
13th – 14th October 2021, (Virtual)
euspen’s Special Interest Group Meeting on Precision Engineering for Sustainable Energy Systems was planned to be held at Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Germany. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been decided to deliver this meeting as a “virtual online web-meeting”, to ensure the participants remain safely connected.
euspen is delighted to announce its second Special Interest Group Workshop on Precision Engineering for Sustainable Energy Systems.
Precision machines have long been at the forefront of one industrial revolution after another to enable the turning of ideas into the economical production of physical objects. In all likelihood the emerging Sustainable Revolution could be the start of a new golden age for the planet, humanity, and precision engineering.
Whilst there is no shortage of renewable energy systems available at ever-decreasing costs, a concern is they are not evolving fast enough to help us economically transition to a low carbon economy.
The purpose of this workshop is thus to bring together people from academia, industry, and government to share experiences with using precision engineering principles to help develop new ideas and manufacturing systems to reduce production and ownership costs related to realizing a global carbon neutral (or ideally negative) economy.
Areas of interest include automated precision production of components and systems ranging from manufacture of solar cells and panels to their installation and maintenance; to ever larger wind turbines on and offshore including in-situ manufacturing of ever larger elements; to energy storage systems from batteries to hydro power systems.
We are seeking papers in Precision Engineering for Sustainable Energy Systems and their production in the following categories, however contributions are not exclusive to these:-
1. Hydro
- Automated aquaculture and mineral harvesting
- Offshore wind
- Tidal
- Wave
3. Storage
- Battery
- Flywheel
- Hydro
- Molecular chemical
- Thermal (including Molecular chemical geothermal)
2. Solar
- Concentrating Solar Power (CSP)
- Photovoltaics (PV)
4. Wind
- Actuators, gearing, and controls
- Blades and materials
- Towers
For each of these areas, how can production and quality be increased while lowering costs and increasing quality? Can precision production methods from other industries be of help for the topics above?
The organising committee and local hosts supporting euspen for this Special Interest Group meeting on Precision Engineering for Sustainable Energy Systems are:- Dr Harald Bosse, PTB, DE; Prof. Alex Slocum, MIT, US; Prof. Andreas Archenti, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SE; Prof. Liam Blunt, University of Huddersfield, UK and Max Fleischer, Siemens Energy, DE
This event is virtually supported by our local host:
Key Dates:
12th August 2021 : Online abstract submission deadline
19th July 2021 : Delegate Registration Opens
16th August 2021 : Notification of presentation acceptance (oral/poster)
Registration Fees
- €95+VAT – euspen Student Member
- €195+VAT – euspen Member
- €295+VAT – Non-euspen Member
- €375+VAT – Exhibitor
- €55+VAT – Tutorial
All speakers and presenters must register for the conference using the appropriate delegate fee.
The Special Interest Group meeting on Precision Engineering for Sustainable Energy Systems will take place as a virtual meeting.
Select Delegate Registration Form A if either of the following applies:
- You are a private individual based within the UK or Europe (i.e. your registration fee is not being paid by an organisation you are affiliated to)
- You are an organisation based within the UK
- You are representing a European company that is not VAT/IVA registered
- This form will apply VAT according to your own Country (UK or European). Please note your VAT rate will be correctly applied once you have selected your country from the billing information screen.
- During busy periods it takes a little time for the form to load. Please be patient.
Select Delegate Registration Form B if either of the following applies:
- You are representing an organisation which is VAT registered in an EU country and you are able to provide your VAT/IVA registration number. The VAT/IVA number must be applied to your registration form
- You are representing a business outside Europe
If you wish to only attend the tutorial, please email with the following information: Name of Delegate attending the tutorial and the name of the tutorial you would like to attend. An invoice will be issued to your separately and we will add your information to the registration list.
Submit an abstract for Precision Engineering for Sustainable Energy Systems 2021
Announcement & Call for Abstracts
Come and join your international peers and maintain a leading edge on technology, customers, partners and suppliers. Access the greatest minds in Precision Engineering for Sustainable Energy Systems research and development. Share knowledge and information and stimulate debates.
Themes :-
a) Automated aquaculture and mineral harvesting; b) Offshore wind; c) Tidal; d) Wave
a) Concentrating Solar Power (CSP); b) Photovoltaics (PV)
a) Battery; b) Flywheel; c) Hydro; d) Molecular chemical; e) Thermal (including geothermal)
a) Actuators, gearing, and controls; b) Blades and materials; c) Towers
Submission of abstracts
Abstracts are expected to describe original work, previously unpublished and should indicate new and significant advances and their importance. Initially short abstracts comprising of approx. 300 words in length should be submitted online using the below links.
Following review a review of submitted abstracts, authors will be notified of acceptance of presentation mode (poster/oral) no later than 16th August 2021.
The invitation to submit an abstract does not constitute an offer to pay travel, accommodation or registration costs associated with the conference. Similarly, no speaker fee is paid to successful participants. All speakers must register for the conference and transfer registration fee. In specific cases the organising committee reserves the right to deviate from the standard procedure.
We are delighted to bring together leading expertise globally to an open forum for focused presentations and discussions on Precision Engineering for Sustainable Energy Systems.
Dr Jörn Stenger
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), DE and EURAMET chairperson
EURAMET’s strategy and research programmes for sustainable energy systems and Green Deal
Presently, the proposal for EURAMET’s new metrology research programme, the European Partnership on Metrology, is under discussion in the Council and the European Parliament. Expecting their co-decision by the end of 2021, EURAMET already started the first call with focus on metrology for the Green Deal. The Partnership on Metrology will be a programme similar to EMPIR with calls from 2021 to 2027 and a comparable budget. The programme objectives are in line with the new EURAMET 2030 strategy. There are similarities to EMPIR, like thematic calls around industrial needs, health, fundamental and prenormative research, but also key differences: the thematic priorities on Green Deal and digitalisation, the role of regulation, and the aim to establish sustainable European Metrology Networks.
The presentation will discuss EURAMET’s strategy and opportunities under the Partnership on Metrology with a focus on sustainable energy systems.
Jörn Stenger studied physics at the University of Heidelberg and did his doctorate at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg on an experimental topic in nuclear and particle physics. After two postdoc years, inter alia from 1997 to 1999 at DESY in Hamburg he went to the MIT, Cambridge, USA, and worked in the group of Prof. Wolfgang Ketterle on Bose-Einstein condensates. In 1999 Jörn Stenger joined PTB and developed a frequency comb based on a titanium-sapphire femtosecond laser and measured the frequencies of the optical standards on the basis of calcium atoms and an ytterbium ion. Jörn Stenger became Member of the Presidential Board in 2009. He is delegate for Germany in EURAMET and he was chairman of the Research Program Committee of EURAMET from 2010 to end of 2015. He became the Chairperson of EURAMET in June 2021.
Christian Fenselau and Lasse Lundberg Nowack
Vestas Wind Systems A/S, DK
Precision Engineering through digitalisation – Use Case: Wind Turbines
Digitalisation has become the daily business in the product development process. The new way of engineering supports a high agility by increased complexity in products. It connects a wide range of data and tools from the virtual world to enable a high degree of automatization in the development. Beside product modularisation it improves the design quality itself.
The keynote will provide some use cases from the Wind Industry to demonstrate the challenges and the benefits seen from the engineering.
Christian Fenselau studied physics at the University of Oldenburg and started his carrier in the wind busines already as student at DEWI. After more then 23 years in different position he joined Vestas 2007. Since 2016 he has the role as Chief Specialist for Test & Verification where he is responsible for the development of product, module and component verification strategies in the product development. In the IECRE he is convener of the Customer Test Facility group and co-convener for the Model Validation group.
Lasse Lundberg Novack has as background as MSc. in Mechanical Engineering from AAU. I have background with design of large steel structures within Oil & Gas and the Renewables Industry. I joined Vestas in 2002, where I have had various roles both technical as Chief with design of Towers and Foundations and recently as Vice President of an area called “Engineering Development”, which deals with how we engineer at Vestas covering: Standardization, Modularization, Automation, Quality, Simulations, Interface Management, CAD and PLM. I have worked extensively with Modularization, Standardization, Automation and creation of a digital thread, which have allowed us to revolutionize speed and quality of developing designs.
Invited presenters:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Herrmann, TU Braunschweig, DE & Executive Board member of Battery LabFactory Braunschweig, DE
Title: Circular battery production
Hilary Johnson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US
Title: Adaptive Hydraulics: Improving centrifugal pump efficiency using precision machine design
Matthew Journee, Levistor, UK
Title: Enabling active magnetic bearings with low cost sensors
Nelson Novoa, Oceanus Power & Water, US
Title: Integrated pumped hydro reverse osmosis clean energy system (IPHROCES)
Dr. Fernanda Marzano, Scania CV AB, SE
Title: Electrification of HD EVs and energy storage
Rutger Schlatmann, Helmholtz, DE
Title: Pushing solar energy conversion beyond today´s efficiency and cost limits
Dieter Most, Siemens AG, DE
Title: Decarbonization will not look the same everywhere – Which technologies will dominate future electricity systems?