It is with pleasure to introduce the following three candidates standing for election onto euspen Council.  The term of office will run from June 2024 until June 2027.

Members are invited to use their vote for one or all of the proposed candidates.

  1. Click on the candidates photos/name which will highlight the selection.  Please click on their photographs further down the page to download their biography
  2. Enter your full name to validate your vote
  3. Submit election choice

The deadline for ONLINE voting is 10:00 hours (CEST) Wednesday 12th June 2024.

Click on the individual pictures to download their biography

Dr. Stefania Gasparin
Dr. Stefania Gasparin
Prof. Geoff McFarland
Prof. Geoff McFarland
Prof Guido Tosello
Prof Guido Tosello

Election results: Votes will be counted by an appointed member of the euspen Nominations Committee.  The election results will be announced at euspen’s 2024 Annual General Meeting which this year will be held during the 24th International Conference & Exhibition at University College Dublin, Ireland.

For any inquiries in regards to the election process, please contact Mr Thomas Ittner or Ms Dishi Phillips