Job positions in ADVANCED MANUFACTURING at the University of the Basque Country MSCA COFUND ADAGIO


Company Description

We will work in a common scheme with your groups, in case your post-docs will be here. So this is not just a good opportunity for post-docs, but a global collaboration with our center. All the the Basque partners in secondments are members of CFAA: (Ideko, our companies, ONA, Ibarmia, etc…)


The Advanced Manufacturing Group of the University of the Basque Country involves five research lines: advanced processes in machining, EDM, additive manufacturing and grinding, along with all aspects regarding digitalization and artificial intelligence in smart factories. Its history started in 1988.


Currently, it involves the three highest h-factor professors in manufacturing engineering in Spain and in top-ten list in Europe; h-factor is about 63 in scholar or 53 in Scopus. On the other hand, the technology development and transfer to companies gave opportunity for the new manufacturing lab known as Centre for Advanced Manufacturing for Aeronautics CFAA, located in Zamudio, 5 kmts away from Bilbao. CFAA is in partnership with 87 companies, both from aero engines (ITP aero is the main partner), machine tools and manufacturing. CFAA is shown in video:


Currently 45 researchers worked there, Professors, Ass. Prof., lecturers, post docs, grant students and people from companies. There are people from different countries.


In 2021 a new unit devoted to Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing for Sustainability (AIMS) is starting, giving new opportunities for post-doc visitors. The Unit includes a collaboration frame with the research center Ideko-Danobat, with the training center IMH and the Basque center for applied mathematics BCAM. Excellency but practical view is the purpose of the group and CFAA center and AIMS. The group can host post-doc researchers pretending to be in short stays at our partners.


Facilities involves: 5 big multitasking machines, 2 SLM printers, two grinding stations, 4 EDM machines, digital XR and metrology room, all kind of monitoring devices, 3 robotic stations for welding, deburring and additive by LMD, a broaching bench, and good means for digital purposes, edge computing, 5G, and data lake. Regarding gender, 60/40 is our male/female ratio, our only demand is a good attitude to wok with other colleagues.


Every year, more than 40 JCR papers are published, and more that 1.5 million euros are obtained from companies. Therefore, both faculty and CFAA are good working places for post-docs with real interest in making excellent technology in multidisciplinary teams, all thinking in getting the best skills valuated by industry. Our docs are hired by companies always.


All post-doc will be integrated in teams with doctoral and MSc students, and Ass. Professors. A team always achieve better results than isolated geniuses, that is our real belief. Short stays at Partner companies would be a real possibility.


Our group and CFAA is in a consolidation and reasonable growth phase, so new recruitment can help us and look for a fruitful career.

Our group is:

ES20_Advanced manufacturing in 4.0 factories_Luis López de Lacalle Marcaide

Research lines are: manufacturing, machine tools, additive manufacturing, IoT and AI for manufacturing

Click here to apply >>>


Those choosing our group will work and research at CFAA (see video and place below). This is excellent science close to real industrial interests.

CFAA VIDEO – CFAA en Teknopolis – 04/03/2018 (castellano. Sub: Inglés) – YouTube

Short – Video CFAA Short with subs – YouTube

APPLICATION IS OPEN TILL 22TH March 2022: 10 positions are open.

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