euspen talent programme challenge 2021
The “LEGO” Challenge:
The Challenge for 2021 is to design methodologies for process performance characterization while complying with product quality for validation and verification of polymer powder bed fusion manufacturing.
Step 1 – Develop a solution to the virtual challenge addressing LEGO System A/S needs for innovation in its operations. All students were placed into multi-disciplinary international teams.
Step 2 – All teams from the ‘virtual challenge’ were allowed to further develop their proposed solution and present their final solution in a short video at euspen’s International Conference and Exhibition on precision engineering and nanotechnology
Step 3 – The top three teams were asked to come to LEGO at Billund, Denmark in October to pitch their final solution to the organising committee of euspen and LEGO A/S.
Due to the current pandemic, euspen‘s 21st International Conference & Exhibition took place as a virtual conference. It is hoped (once governmental travel restrictions allow), future challenges will once again be physical and we can provide students from the top three teams, complementary access to the conference and exhibition.
Teams and Pitch presentations
We had 7 teams comprising of 24 students who participated in the virtual challenge.
All teams were given names relating to LEGO. Despite the extraordinary conditions of 2021, we still had pitch presentations from all 7 teams. The presentation can be found here >>>ETP 2021<<<
Team 1 LEGO TRAIN | Karl Dransfield (UK) | Monica Gonzalas Bassante (SE) | Komeil Saeedabadi (DK) | Makoto Kato (JP) | |||||
Team 2 LEGO DUPLO | Younes Chahid (UK) | Tingting Chen (DK) | Daniel Gallardo (ES) | Laksshya Pednekar (US) | |||||
Team 3 LEGO TECHNICH | Athanasios Pappas (UK) | Martin Kain (DK) | Tomoki Komiya (JP) | ||||||
Team 4 LEGO MINIFIGURE | Charlie Walker (UK) | Nicolo Bonato (IT) | Petar Malner (HR) | ||||||
Team 5 LEGO CREATOR | Iraj Pariz (UK) | Aleksandar Arsovic (IT) | Aakil Lalwani (DK) | ||||||
Team 7 LEGO STUDIOS | Sara Hawi (UK) | Wenjian Zhu (DK) | Ela Markovic (HR) | Tomoyo Ota (JP) | |||||
Team 8 LEGO NINJAGO | Qing Li (IR) | Vice Roncevic (DK) | Andrew Stewart (UK) | Niko Plantak (HR) | |||||
The three top teams who were going to be invited to LEGO were:
The prototypes were designed and created and after much deliberations, we are thrilled to announce the winning team in 1st place was awarded to: LEGO NINJAGO.
On behalf of euspen and its Talent Organising Committee, congratulations on this wonderful achievement. Qing, Vice, Andrew and Niko, you should be extremely proud of yourselves in designing and developing your platform under these extraordinary circumstances.
National Heat Organisers
With special thanks to the following national heat organisers:
- Belgium – Prof. Dominiek Reynaerts & Prof Han Hatjema, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BE
- Croatia – Prof. Dr. Sasa Zelenika & Ervin Kamenar, University of Rijeka, HR
- Czech Republic – Dr Otakar Horejš, Czech Technical University, CZ
- Denmark – Prof. Hans Nørgaard Hansen & Dr Matteo Calaon, Technical University of Denmark, DK
- France – Dr Helene Mainaud Durand, CERN, CH
- Germany – Dr Oltmann Reimer, LFM, Bremen, DE
- Italy – Prof. Enrico Savio & Dr Simone Carmignato, DIMEG – Università di Padova, IT
- Spain – Prof. Jose A. Yagüe-Fabra, University of Zaragoza, ES
- Sweden – Dr Andreas Archenti, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, SE
- UK – Prof. Liam Blunt & Prof. Richard Leach , University of Huddersfield; University of Nottingham, UK
- ASPE Representatives – Brian O’Connor, Stuart Smith, Luis Aguirre, USA
- JSPE Representatives – Prof. Satoru Takahashi, Dr Kazutoshi Katahira, JP