Special Interest Group Meeting: Micro/Nano Manufacturing
University of Strathclyde 8-9 November 2017
Wednesday 8th November 2017
Time | Programme |
08:15-09:00 | Registration & Refreshments |
09:00-09:10 | Welcome Talk: Dr Harald Bosse, euspen President Prof. Atilla Incecik, Associate Principal & Executive Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Professor of Offshore Engineering at the University of Strathclyde |
09:10-09:40 | Keynote 1 Ultra-precision machining of complex surfaces, at micro and nanometre scales and in soft and hard materials by Fengzhou Fang, University College Dublin |
09:40-10:10 | SOTA Micro injection molding by Ben Whiteside, University of Bradford (representing MICROMAN) |
10:10-10:30 | Session 1: Moulding, Replication and Additive Techniques Oral presentation 1 Micro injection moulding process optimization of an ultra-small POM three-dimensional component by Federico Baruffi, Technical University of Denmark, DK |
10:30-11:00 | Coffee & networking |
11:00-11:20 | Oral presentation 2 Effects of initial material shape and compaction routes on ultrasonic injection moulding of thermoplastic materials by Mert Gulcur, University of Bradford, UK |
11:20-11:40 | Oral presentation 3 Tool manufacturing for the replication of micro-structures into steel parts by embossing by Dirk Oberschmidt, Fraunhofer IPK, DE |
11:40-12:00 | Oral presentation 4 Biological features produced by additive manufacturing processes using vat photopolymerization method by Ali Davoudinejad, Technical University of Denmark, DK |
12:00-12:30 | Commercial Session (6 x5 minutes) |
12:30-13.30 | Lunch, Coffee & Networking |
13:30-14:00 | Keynote 2 Micro/nano metal forming and its potential for fabrication of micro devices by Ming Yang, Tokyo Metropolitan University, JP |
14:00-14:20 | Session 2: Metrology and Handling Oral presentation 1 Development and characterisation of a SCARA robot material handling system as part of an automated advanced ultron-precision machining centre by Ross Walker, Heriot-Watt University, UK |
14:20-14:40 | Oral presentation 2 Development of encapsulated submicron thermocouples for in situ evaluation of temperature during micro-injection by Ana Piedade, University of Coimbra – Department of Mechanical Engineering, PT |
14:40-15:00 | Oral presentation 3 Calibration strategies for 3D standards by Thorsten Dziomba, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, DE |
15:00-16:30 | Poster pitch session (with coffee & networking) |
16:30-16:50 | Oral presentation 4 Micro contract modelling of rough surfaces using ISO 25178 feature parameters by Florian Böhmermann, LFM Laboratory for Precision Machining, DE |
16:50-17:10 | Oral presentation 5 On-line monitoring strategies for detection of process completion in micro-polishing by Soufian Ben Achour, DTU, DK |
17:15-18:30 | Technical tour : Centre for Precision Manufacturing, University of Strathclyde |
18:45-21:00 | Walk to Corinthian Club, networking dinner |
Thursday 9th November 2017
Time | Programme |
08:30-09:00 | Keynote 3 Enriching micro-scale metrology with an all-optical dimensional measuring system by Richard Leach, University of Nottingham, UK |
09:00-09:30 | SOTA Micro AM by Joachim Göbener, 3D MicroPrint GmbH, DE |
09:30-09:50 | Session 3: Micro & Nano Manufacturing Technologies & Applications Oral presentation 1 Electro sinter forging of titanium disks by Emanuele Cannella, IPU, DK |
09:50-10:10 | Oral presentation 2 Process optimisation of digital fast axis diamond turning by Dominik Sensen, Fraunhofer IPT, DE |
10:10-10:30 | Oral presentation 3 Single spot laser chemical micro structuring of titanium by Hamza Messaoudi, BIAS – Bremer Institut für angewandte Strahltechnik, DE |
10:30-11:45 | Coffee break and poster session |
11:45-12:05 | Oral presentation 4 Microfabrication of a biomimetic ciliary propulsion system via soft lithography by Edoardo Milana, KU Leuven, Belgium |
12:05-12:25 | Oral presentation 5 Assessment of fixture methods for micromachining by Daniel Albrecht, University of Stuttgart – Institute for Machine Tools, DE |
12:25-12:45 | Oral presentation 6 High precision micro actuator technology as the enabling element in high performance applications like optical systems or tasks in extreme enviromental conditions by Reinhard Degen, Micromotion GmbH, DE |
12:45-13:45 | Lunch, Coffee & Networking |
13:45-14:15 | SOTA Hexapods for micro manufacturing by Christian Sander, PI (Physik Instrumente) Ltd, UK |
14:15-14:35 | Session 3: Micro & Nano Manufacturing Technologies & Applications Oral presentation 7 Development of a compact ultra-precision six-axis hybrid micro-machine by Wenlong Chang, University of Strathclyde, UK |
14:35-14:55 | Oral presentation 8 Experimental investigation on feedstock extrusion for micromanufacturing of metallic components with unique properties by Sandeep Kuriakose, Politecnico di Milano, IT |
14:55-15:15 | Oral presentation 9 A nano-manufacturing process chain for controlling magnetic domain walls in nanowires by Josh Jones, Cardiff University, UK |
15:15-15:35 | Oral presentation 10 Manufacturing of micro or nanostructured steel tools for polymeric mass replication by Andreas Striegel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology – Institute of Microstructure Technology, DE |
15:35-15:55 | Oral presentation 11 Manufacturing miniature/micro-components with FAST sintering combined with micro-forming by Yi Qin, University of Strathclyde, UK |
15:55-16:10 | Closing remarks |