Special Interest Group Meeting: Micro/Nano Manufacturing 
University of Strathclyde  8-9 November 2017

Short Abstract Submission

 Wednesday 8th November 2017


08:15-09:00Image result for coffee iconRegistration & Refreshments 
09:00-09:10Welcome Talk:
Dr Harald Bosse, euspen President
Prof. Atilla Incecik, Associate Principal & Executive Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Professor of Offshore Engineering at the University of Strathclyde
09:10-09:40Keynote 1
 Ultra-precision machining of complex surfaces, at micro and nanometre scales and in soft and hard materials by Fengzhou Fang, University College Dublin
Micro injection molding by Ben Whiteside, University of Bradford (representing MICROMAN)
10:10-10:30Session 1: Moulding, Replication and Additive Techniques
Oral presentation 1
Micro injection moulding process optimization of an ultra-small POM three-dimensional component by Federico Baruffi, Technical University of Denmark, DK
10:30-11:00Image result for coffee iconCoffee & networking 
11:00-11:20Oral presentation 2
Effects of initial material shape and compaction routes on ultrasonic injection moulding of thermoplastic materials by Mert Gulcur, University of Bradford, UK
11:20-11:40Oral presentation 3
Tool manufacturing for the replication of micro-structures into steel parts by embossing by Dirk Oberschmidt, Fraunhofer IPK, DE
11:40-12:00Oral presentation 4
Biological features produced by additive manufacturing processes using vat photopolymerization method by Ali Davoudinejad, Technical University of Denmark, DK
12:00-12:30Commercial Session (6 x5 minutes) 
12:30-13.30Image result for lunch iconLunch, Coffee & Networking
13:30-14:00Keynote 2
Micro/nano metal forming and its potential for fabrication of micro devices by Ming Yang, Tokyo Metropolitan University, JP
14:00-14:20Session 2: Metrology and Handling
Oral presentation 1
Development and characterisation of a SCARA robot material handling system as part of an automated advanced ultron-precision machining centre by Ross Walker, Heriot-Watt University, UK
14:20-14:40Oral presentation 2
Development of encapsulated submicron thermocouples for in situ evaluation of temperature during micro-injection by Ana Piedade, University of Coimbra – Department of Mechanical Engineering, PT
14:40-15:00Oral presentation 3
Calibration strategies for 3D standards by Thorsten Dziomba, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, DE
15:00-16:30Image result for coffee iconPoster pitch session (with coffee & networking)
16:30-16:50Oral presentation 4
Micro contract modelling of rough surfaces using ISO 25178 feature parameters by Florian Böhmermann, LFM Laboratory for Precision Machining, DE
16:50-17:10Oral presentation 5
On-line monitoring strategies for detection of process completion in micro-polishing by Soufian Ben Achour, DTU, DK
17:15-18:30Technical tour : Centre for Precision Manufacturing, University of Strathclyde
18:45-21:00Image result for lunch iconWalk to Corinthian Club, networking dinner

Thursday 9th November 2017


08:30-09:00Keynote 3
Enriching micro-scale metrology with an all-optical dimensional measuring system by Richard Leach, University of Nottingham, UK
Micro AM by Joachim Göbener, 3D MicroPrint GmbH, DE
09:30-09:50Session 3: Micro & Nano Manufacturing Technologies & Applications
Oral presentation 1
Electro sinter forging of titanium disks by Emanuele Cannella, IPU, DK
09:50-10:10Oral presentation 2
Process optimisation of digital fast axis diamond turning by Dominik Sensen, Fraunhofer IPT, DE
10:10-10:30Oral presentation 3
Single spot laser chemical micro structuring of titanium by Hamza Messaoudi, BIAS – Bremer Institut für angewandte Strahltechnik, DE
10:30-11:45Image result for coffee iconCoffee break and poster session 
11:45-12:05Oral presentation 4
Microfabrication of a biomimetic ciliary propulsion system via soft lithography by Edoardo Milana, KU Leuven, Belgium
12:05-12:25Oral presentation 5
Assessment of fixture methods for micromachining by Daniel Albrecht, University of Stuttgart – Institute for Machine Tools, DE
12:25-12:45Oral presentation 6
High precision micro actuator technology as the enabling element in high performance applications like optical systems or tasks in extreme enviromental conditions by Reinhard Degen, Micromotion GmbH, DE
12:45-13:45Image result for lunch iconLunch, Coffee & Networking 
Hexapods for micro manufacturing by Christian Sander, PI (Physik Instrumente) Ltd, UK 
14:15-14:35Session 3: Micro & Nano Manufacturing Technologies & Applications
Oral presentation 7
Development of a compact ultra-precision six-axis hybrid micro-machine by Wenlong Chang, University of Strathclyde, UK
14:35-14:55Oral presentation 8
Experimental investigation on feedstock extrusion for micromanufacturing of metallic components with unique properties by Sandeep Kuriakose, Politecnico di Milano, IT
14:55-15:15Oral presentation 9
A nano-manufacturing process chain for controlling magnetic domain walls in nanowires by Josh Jones, Cardiff University, UK
15:15-15:35Oral presentation 10
Manufacturing of micro or nanostructured steel tools for polymeric mass replication by Andreas Striegel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology – Institute of Microstructure Technology, DE
15:35-15:55Oral presentation 11
Manufacturing miniature/micro-components with FAST sintering combined with micro-forming by Yi Qin, University of Strathclyde, UK
15:55-16:10Closing remarks
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