Project Description
Special Interest Conference Meeting: Advancing Precision in Additive Manufacturing
7th – 9th October 2025
Advancing Precision in Additive Manufacturing
7th – 9th October 2025, TU Berlin, Germany
The 11th in the series of joint Special Interest Conference meeting between euspen and ASPE on Advancing Precision in Additive Manufacturing is crucial to putting Additive Manufacturing onto the factory floor. We are seeking papers in the following categories:
1. Dimensional accuracy and surface finish in additive manufacturing (AM)
- State of the art: What level of precision and technological development is achievable?
- Functional specifications for form and finish
- Prediction and modelling of dimensional errors and surface topography
- Applications ranging from large-scale to micro-nano
2. Metrology
- Challenges in form, texture, and internal feature metrology of rough as-built AM components
- Computed tomography for defect detection, dimensional metrology, internal geometries
- Multi-sensor approaches, data fusion, and machine learning
- Measurement, registration, and fitting of point clouds for freeform surfaces
- Development of instruments, artifacts, and data processing tools to establish traceability across ex- and in-situ metrology systems (e.g., dimensional, thermal, etc.)
3. Design for manufacturing and precision applications
- Design rules and tolerancing for AM
- Topology optimization in the context of AM and achieving precision
- Novel designs for flexures and kinematic couplings
- Metallurgy and fatigue issues in high-cycle precision applications
- Design, tolerancing, manufacture, and metrology of lattice structures
4. AM machines and process control
- Holistic views of the control system, process feedback, and correction
- Novel AM machine designs and control strategies
- In-process monitoring: melt pool, powder bed, workpiece shape and topography
- Artifacts to assess machine performance and errors; round-robin testing
- Fundamental machine metrology to assess machine performance and errors
5. Integrating AM into a holistic manufacturing process
- Cost-benefit trade-offs of using AM within a complex process chain
- Engineered partnerships between AM and secondary finishing
- Fixturing, machining, and metrology of near-net shape parts
- Deterministic methods for qualification of AM processes, feedstocks, and parts
- Functional correlations for the development of standards that support industry
- Achieving precision with a focus on sustainability
6. Process physics, simulation, and optimization
- Prediction and modeling of distortion and topography
- Parameter optimization and defect avoidance
- Model validation: experimental requirements and datasets
- Machine learning and AI
The local hosts and organising committee for the joint Special Interest Group meeting between euspen and ASPE on Advancing Precision in Additive Manufacturing are :- Prof. Liam Blunt from University of Huddersfield, UK; Prof. Wim Dewulf from KU Leuven, BE; Jason Fox from National Institute of Standards and Technology, US; Prof. John Taylor from University of North Carolina at Charlotte, US; Prof. Jaime Berez from The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, US; Dr. Mitchel Polte from TU Berlin, DE; Prof. Julian Polte from TU Berlin, DE; Prof. Dirk Oberschmidt from TU Berlin, DE; Prof. Christian Haase from TU Berlin, DE; Prof. Kai Hilgenberg from TU Berlin, DE and Prof. Michael Rethmeier from TU Berlin, DE.
The Additive Manufacturing meeting chairs are Prof. Liam Blunt from the University of Huddersfield and Dr John Taylor from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
This event is supported by our local host:
Key Dates
25th April 2025 : Online short abstract submission deadline
20th June 2025 : Online extended abstract submission deadline
11th July 2025 : Notification of presentation acceptance (oral/poster)
11th July 2025 : Delegate registration opens
Registration Fees
- €195+VAT – euspen Student Member*
- €450+VAT – euspen Member
- €550+VAT – Non-euspen Member
- €650+VAT – Exhibitor
- €45+ VAT – Student Networking Dinner
€35 – Printed Proceedings
*Student members fee is not inclusive of the networking dinner.
All speakers and presenters must register for the conference using the appropriate delegate fee.
The euspen SIC meeting on Additive Manufacturing complies with international VAT/IVA/VAT MOSS regulations. The standard German VAT rate of 19% will be applied to all delegate registration invoices. Please select the appropriate payment option below.
Select Credit Card if you would like to pay by credit card :-
Select Invoice if you would like to pay by invoice :-
- A valid Purchase Order (PO) number is required to guarantee payment.
- An administration fee of €30 will be applied.
- All invoices must be settled prior to attendance of the event. If the invoice remains outstanding at the point of attendance, the delegate will be required to pay the invoice via credit card before admittance.
- Your completed form should be sent to and an invoice will be sent to you manually.
Exhibitor Information
If you would like to exhibit at this meeting, your registration fee would include:
- 1 x table (actual size to be confirmed)
- 2 x chairs
- Space for 2 roll-up banners
- 5 minute industry presentation within the programme. We would request this is not a sales pitch but more related to organisational information and real-life applications of products etc.
- 1 x delegate registration (includes the networking dinner and access to presentations)
Submit an abstract for Additive Manufacturing 2025
Announcement & Call for Abstracts
Come and join your international peers and maintain a leading edge on technology, customers, partners and suppliers. Access the greatest minds in Advancing Precision for Additive Manufacturing research and development. Share knowledge and information and stimulate debates.
Themes :-
- Dimensional accuracy and surface finish in AM
- Metrology
- Design for manufacturing and precision applications
- AM machines and process control
- Integrating AM into a holistic manufacturing process
- Process physics, simulation, and optimization
Submission of abstracts
Abstracts are expected to describe original work, previously unpublished and should indicate new and significant advances and their importance. Initially short abstracts between of around 300 words in length should be submitted online using the below links.
Following review of short abstracts, authors will be provided with instructions for submitting extended abstracts of either two or four A4 pages. On acceptance of extended abstracts, authors are notified of presentation mode (poster/oral). All papers accepted will also be indexed on to euspen’s Knowledge Base which is indexed via Scopus. The final decision on acceptance of all papers is made by the Editor and Scientific Committee of the SIC meeting.
The invitation to submit an abstract does not constitute an offer to pay travel, accommodation or registration costs associated with the conference. Similarly, no speaker fee is paid to successful participants. All speakers must register for the conference and transfer registration fee. In specific cases the organising committee reserves the right to deviate from the standard procedure.
Key Note Speaker
To be confirmed
Keynote Title
Details to follow
Biography of Key note Speaker
To be confirmed