Project Description

Special Interest Conference: Micro/Nano Manufacturing & 6th AET Symposium on ACSM and Digital Manufacturing  
17th – 19th September 2025

Abstract Submission

Special Interest Conference: Micro/Nano Manufacturing & 6th AET Symposium on ACSM and Digital Manufacturing, 17th – 19th September 2025, Paris-Saclay University, France

Joining Instructions
Download Flyer
Keynotes & SOTAs
Tutorial & Lab Tour
Venue, Travel & Social
Exhibitor Information
Key Dates
Abstract Submissions

Micro- and nano-scale manufacturing has been the subject of research and industrial focus over the past decades. In recent years, atomic and close-to-atomic scale manufacturing (ACSM) has emerged towards realising atomic-scale precision by addressing the digital nature of matters, i.e., an integer number of discrete atomic distances and associated quantum effects. Lithography-based technology forms the basis of micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) manufacturing, and ultra-high precision manufacturing technologies have also been developed to cover micro-, nano- and atomic-scale dimensions and accuracies.

These fundamentally different technologies are combined to exploit their strengths in advanced micro- nano-manufacturing process chains. An example can be found in the use of lithography-based technologies to establish nanostructures subsequently transferred to 2½D/3D geometries via micro moulding or thermal imprinting, or in micro-scale additive manufacturing processes combined with precision subtractive finishing.

Micro manufacturing processes are the key enabling technologies to bridge the gap between the nano- and the macro-worlds, and to integrate different dimensional scales into mass-manufacturing processes, while digital technologies enable data exchange for process chain integration across the different scales.

Accordingly, the Special Interest Conference on Micro/Nano Manufacturing in combination with the International Academy of Engineering and Technology Symposium on ACSM and Digital Manufacturing (AET) will focus on novel methodological developments in micro-, nano-, atomic-scale and digital manufacturing, i.e., on novel process chains including process optimisation, quality assurance approaches, metrology, process chain integration. The workshop will host keynotes and several presentations and posters covering the latest developments and research on these increasingly important topics. The conference will also host a training seminar covering aspects of micro/nano manufacturing in practice.

Themes :

·Micro-Nano & Atomic-Scale Manufacturing Technologies & Applications·Ultraprecision Machining Technologies at the Micro/Nano/Close-to-Atomic Scales·Metrology & Quality Control for Micro Parts and Nano/Close-to-Atomic Features
·Precision Replication, Additive Techniques, Process Chain Integration·Assembly & Handling in the Micro and Nano regimes·Digital manufacturing

The local hosts and organising committee supporting euspen for this Special Interest Conference meeting on Micro/Nano Manufacturing & AET are: Prof. Dr Thomas Arnold from Leibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (IOM), DE; Dr Denis Dontsov from SIOS Meßtechnik GmbH, DE; Dr Oltmann Riemer from LFM (Bremen), DE; Prof. Dr Stefan Sinzinger from Technische Universität Ilmenau, DE; Associate Prof. Guido Tosello from Technical University of Denmark; Dr. Xichun Luo from University of Strathclyde, Glasgow; and Prof. Nabil Anwer from the Paris-Saclay University, FR.

The Micro/Nano Manufacturing meeting chair is Prof. Nabil Anwer

This event is supported by our local hosts:

Key Dates

1st May 2025 : Delegate Registration Opens

14 April 2025 : Online abstract submission deadline

20th May 2025 : Notification of presentation acceptance (oral/poster)


Registration Fees

  • €195+VAT – euspen Student Member
  • €450+VAT – euspen Member
  • €550+VAT – Non-euspen member
  • €650+VAT – Exhibitor
  • €55+VAT – Tutorial (Half day)
  • €45+VAT – Student Networking Dinner

*Student members fee is not inclusive of the networking dinner.

All speakers and presenters must register for the conference using the appropriate delegate fee.


The euspen SIC meeting on Micro/Nano Manufacturing & AET complies with international VAT/IVA/VAT MOSS rules and as such the relevant Standard VAT of France VAT 20% will be applied to all delegate registration invoices.  Please select the appropriate payment option below.

Select Credit Card if you would like to pay by credit card :-

Select Invoice if you would like to pay by invoice :-

Credit Card
  1.  A valid Purchase Order (PO) number is required to guarantee payment.
  2.  An administration fee of €30 will be applied.
  3.  All invoices must be settled prior to attendance of the event. If the invoice remains outstanding at the point of attendance,  the delegate will be required to pay the invoice via credit card before admittance.
  4. Your completed form should be sent to and an invoice will be sent to you manually.

Exhibitor Information

If you would like to exhibit at this meeting, your registration fee would include:

  • 1 x table (actual size to be confirmed)
  • 2 x chairs
  • Space for 2 roll-up banners
  • 5 minute industry presentation within the programme.  We would request this is not a sales pitch but more related to organisational information and real-life applications of products etc.
  • 1 x delegate registration (includes the networking dinner and access to presentations)


Submit a short abstract for Micro/Nano Manufacturing & 6th AET Symposium on ACSM and Digital Manufacturing.

We are delighted to bring together leading expertise globally to an open forum for
focused presentations and discussions on Micro/Nano Manufacturing

Abstract Template
Submit Abstract
Abstract Guidelines

Announcement & Call for Abstracts

Come and join your international peers and maintain a leading edge on technology, customers, partners and suppliers. Access the greatest minds in Micro and Nano research and development. Share knowledge and information and stimulate debates.


  • Micro-Nano & Atomic-Scale Manufacturing Technologies & Applications
  • Precision Replication, Additive Techniques, Process Chain Integration
  • Ultraprecision Machining Technologies at the Micro/Nano/Close-to-Atomic Scales
  • Assembly & Handling in the Micro and Nano regimes
  • Metrology & Quality Control for Micro Parts and Nano/Close-to-Atomic Features
  • Digital manufacturing

Submission of abstracts

Abstracts are expected to describe original work, previously unpublished and should indicate new and significant advances and their importance. Initially short abstracts comprising of approx. 300 words in length should be submitted online using the below links.

Following review a review of submitted abstracts, authors will be notified of acceptance of presentation mode (poster/oral) no later than 20th May 2025 .

The invitation to submit an abstract does not constitute an offer to pay travel, accommodation or registration costs associated with the conference. Similarly, no speaker fee is paid to successful participants. All speakers must register for the conference and transfer registration fee. In specific cases the organising committee reserves the right to deviate from the standard procedure.

Submission deadline: 14 April 2025


Prof. Dr. Fred Roozeboom                           

University of Twente, Netherlands

Current Status and Future Outlook in Atomic-Scale Processing

The IRDS-2022 Roadmap [1] catches the three different scaling ages for the past and upcoming decades. Today, we witness the transition to the third age named ‘3D Power Scaling’ in a sequence of eras that started with straightforward geometrical scaling by continuous shortening of the wavelengths (from regular UV to deep UV/immersion) used in lithographic patterning of planar transistor structure. In the second ‘equivalent scaling’ era, new superior material properties and critical dimensions nearing single-digit nanometer values could still be realized by cost-effective technology solutions.

Ever more complex device architectures requiring extreme edge placement accuracy, layer conformality and shape fidelity in all processing steps (deposition, etching, cleaning) can only be realized by Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) and Atomic Layer Etching (ALE). Today, these techniques are indispensable in the manufacture of fully 3D-integrated devices using vertical intra- and inter-chip concepts, thus alleviating the need for capital-intensive EUV-tools, at ~40% total tool costs for modern fabs.

This keynote focuses on the fundamentals and latest trends in Atomic Layer Processing in sub-10 nm fabrication of 3D-architectures. ALD and ALE have manifested to cost-effectively bridge the >10-years incubation time needed to bring EUV-technology from prototype to commercial use. These techniques can be uniquely used to create 3D-devices in dedicated isotropic (thermal and radical-enhanced) and anisotropic (directional and ion-enhanced) processing modes. Here, energetic species (radicals and/or ions in a plasma) are used in one or two steps, with ions yielding anisotropic profiles (used in FinFET logic and 3D-NAND memory), and neutrals/radicals yielding isotropic profiles to create single-digit-nm features in devices containing horizontal nanowires, nanosheets and ‘forksheets’ in GAA-FETs, and complementary FETs.


Fred Roozeboom holds a doctorate in technical sciences from University of Twente (Netherlands) with specialization in inorganic chemistry and catalysis. After three years in catalysis at ExxonMobil R&D Labs in Baton Rouge (USA), he joined Philips Research (from 2007: NXP) in Eindhoven, Netherlands to work most of his life on thin-film technology and plasma processing (1983-2009). From 1997-2009 he led a team that focused here on applications in 3D passive and heterogeneous integration for System-in-Package devices for wireless communication and power management. In 2007 he became Research Fellow and also full professor at TU Eindhoven (2007-2021), working on atomic layer deposition and etching. In 2009 he left NXP to join TNO Holst Centre to work on spatial atomic layer process and reactor design.

In 2021 he left TU Eindhoven and TNO to join University of Twente as guest (emeritus) professor, where his research focuses on inorganic membranes for nanofiltration applications. Since 2021 he is or was also consultant for high-tech industry in applications of thin-film processing in EUV optics lifetime, 3D Li-ion batteries, etching and greenhouse gas emission reduction.

Fred holds over 50 US patents, granted or pending, and published 200+ papers in journals (h-index 44 Scopus). He is ECS Fellow and AVS Fellow, and the winner of the ECS 2023 Gordon E, Moore Medal Award.

Key Note Speaker

To be confirmed

Keynote Title

Details to follow

Biography of Key note Speaker

To be confirmed

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